This is my first time trying to blog from Flickr, so here's my picture. I got my hair cut this weekend. I didn't take any glamourous photos, but this one will work. This was Grace and I just before church on Sunday. The hair cut was actually done on Saturday. I didn't even have to leave the house. Samara's brother's girlfriend is going to cosmotology school and came over to do it. I think it's cute, and it will be less drastic when it starts falling out.
Things are going well around here. I think I've been more tired than normal, but I'm getting on with things. Saturday, Samara and family were over while I got my hair cut and then they took Grace to the mall in the afternoon and Eric and I both napped. Saturday evening, they ordered us pizza and we all ate a bit before they went home and we sent Grace to bed.
Sunday, I did go to church and then to Applebee's for lunch. I felt a little dizzy at church, so I sat down alot of the time, but it was nice to leave the house. I think the time change is doing me in. Otherwise, I feel ok. I haven't taken naseau drugs since Saturday and besides a mild case of heartburn I think I'm doing ok.
I was supposed to go to the "Look Good, Feel Better" class put on by the American Cancer Society today, but the cosmotologist is sick, so they had to cancel. I'm not too disappointed, I'm about ready for a nap and tonight is Beggar's night, so I'll have to go get Grace in a couple of hours so I can have her in her costume for trick or treating.
I also had Eric take pictures of my scars if anyone wants to see them. There's no nudity involved and they are close-ups, so you may not be able to tell where they are.
Sentinel-Node (Underarm)
And finally, for your viewing pleasure, here was the cutest goblin on the block before daycare this morning. I tried to get her standing but she just wanted to try to get the camera, so the only picture we could get was her sitting on Daddy's lap. I'll take more pictures tonight in her princess costume.
........don't worry.......everything will be alright.
AWWWWWWWW! I can't wait to see pics of Gracie in her costume! You look great too by the way. I hope every day gets easier with it.
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