Wednesday, October 19, 2005

What's Going On

Just felt like I should let you know what's going on since my last post on Friday.

My parents had come in for my surgery and my Dad left on Saturday morning. However, since I was still extremely sore and tired and unable to help out at all with taking care of Grace, my Mom agreed to stay until today (Eric took her to the airport before he left for work today).

Since Friday, I am happy to say I have not been out of my sweats. Don't get me wrong, I've showered daily and changed into cleaner sweats, but I've been trying to let myself recuperate. Saturday I only left the house to take a walk with Mom and Grace (Mom pushed the stoller). I started to get a bit stir crazy though, so Sunday was a bit of a relief. We all went to church although, by the end I was really tired. Once we got home, Grace and I both took naps and Eric went to watch some football at BW3s. Mom took care of Grace and we made a grocery list for this week. Sunday afternoon we went to Wal-Mart to get groceries.

Monday and Tuesday, Grace went to daycare and Mom cleaned my house. I helped as much as I could telling her where things go and even a little dusting. Although I did need to nap both days. My house looks so good now. Everything is dusted, vacuumed, the floors were steamed. My pantry, refrigerator and freezer were cleaned out. Floors mopped. All three (2 1/2) bathrooms are clean. I can actually relax now.

I haven't needed pain medicine since Saturday or Sunday, but I haven't been sleeping well at night, so I took some last night before bed. I think I may have overdone it and as was pretty sore too. It didn't really work though, as I woke up from a bad dream at 4:30 a.m. this morning and decided to just stay up until everyone left. I did get some lists made and came up with some ideas for some changes to my blog. I also have a pretty major post I started jotting ideas for that hopefully I'll be ready to post next week.

My plans for this weekend start tomorrow. Before the diagnosis, I planned to go on The Walk to Emmaus. It's a retreat for church. I'm not sure exactly what the plans are, but I'll spend 3 days away from everyday distractions and get a chance to reconnect spirtually. I had to cancel, because I thought I was going to start chemo this week. However, once I found out that we're doing chemo next week, they let me sign back up for the Walk. It shouldn't be at all physical and they know I can't lift anything, so someone else will carry my bag, etc. I'm hoping I don't get too wore out, but I think it will give me such a renewed spirit before my journey begins next week. So, I will be leaving around 6 p.m. tomorrow (Thursday) and not coming home until 7 or so on Sunday.

Please check in tomorrow, because I have planned an assignment for you readers to work on while I'm gone this weekend.

Next week I'm going to try to get some stuff done. I've made a schedule to study for my CPCU exam. I still need to retake the test I failed in September. I had already paid to take the test again and don't want to wait too long. I've scheduled to take it again November 7th. I have some thank you notes to write. I'd like to spend some time revamping my blog and organizing my photo albums both online and the physical pictures. I'm also considering going to a support group next Wednesday. There is a group called the Young Survivor's Colition that is for women diagnosed before age 40. They meet the last Wednesday of every month in Columbus. I may go check it out. Then of course, Thursday morning I have chemo. I'm sort of nervous, but I also want to just get this first one over with. The sooner I start, the sooner I finish and I hope I'll have a general idea of how I'm going to handle treatment.

Then God-willing, I'll go back to work November 2. I have a post-op appointment on November 1 (Tuesday). If Dr. L clears me and I feel ok, I'd like to go back on Wednesday. It will be the middle of our Professional Standards audit though, so I hope that that will be going ok.

Last thing. I got a new letter in the mail about Grace's surgery. They have rescheduled it to January 11th. The timing is much better. I'll have vacation again in January. It also falls right in between chemo treatments. I should have about a week to take care of Grace before I need help. Then my parents plan on coming in when I have my treatment and they'll stay for about a week to help us out.

Ok, I feel the need for another nap coming on. Remember to come back tomorrow for your assignment! I promise it'll be fun.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Once again Jennifer, you seem to be handling all of this with so much grace and poise, I really am impressed! I hope this retreat is a relaxing and spiritual event for you & you come back an even stronger and more centered person than you already are. Looking forward to the "assignment!"

Take Care,