Thursday, October 02, 2003

New Title

I changed the title of my Blog today. I've decided to keep using it even though all of this happened. Hopefully, I'll have much more to share and any of my experiences can help others.

I've taken the whole week off of work. I went into the office Tuesday, but left after about an hour. Turns out it was harder than I thought it would be and my coworkers and even my superiors think I should take some more time and come back when I'm ready.

Tommorrow is my D&C. I think I'm ready. I've been having some bleeding over the past few days, but not enough to make me think I'm close to be done if I were to do this the natural way.

I think I'm healing slowly. I even had a short lived flash of anger yesterday. My brother-in-law called for the first time and Eric talked to him. Eric was saying that we're doing better and looking to the future, etc. And within minutes they were discussing baseball. I was thinking it's not "fine" we aren't "doing good." Then I realized that I hadn't wanted to talk and it's different for Eric. We are doing ok, and nothing he could say to us would change anything, so I should let him deal with it in his way. While Eric's sad too, it will never be the same type of loss for him.

I'll write more about my procedure and how I'm feeling this weekend.

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