Friday, October 24, 2003

Good Visit

Finally, a decent doctor's appointment. I had my follow-up appointment today after 3 weeks. When the doctor came in to see me, she asked how I was and I got a little teary and said fine, until I got here. She must think I'm a nut since I break into tears every time I see her. She asked if I had any questions and I did. Number 1, I have a friend that is sure that my miscarriage had something to do with getting pregnant quickly after quitting the pill. Everything I've read suggests that the only reason some doctors have you wait a couple of months is to get your cycles on track so you know when you conceived and what your due date is. She agreed that there is no reason to wait. There is no evidence that the pill increases your chance of miscarriage. The only thing that increases after the pill is the incidence of twins (watch out Erica!). So then I asked her about trying again. She said I just had to wait 1 period, but I asked what the advantages of waiting longer would be. I don't want to rush into something just because I want it if it would be better to wait longer. Her answer, the only reason to wait longer is if you aren't ready mentally or emotionally. Physically, there is no reason to wait. When my body's ready I can get pregnant again. She then checked to make sure my uterus has went back to it's prepregnancy size. She said that all the pathology came back normal from my D&C. I asked what they looked for in the pathology. She said that you sometimes can have a Molar Pregnancy. If that were the case, I couldn't get pregnant for 6 months to a year, but that wasn't the case with me and everything was fine. Finishing up the visit, she told me that I should get a period within a 4-6 week time period (it's already been 3!) and then can try again. If nothing happens I'll go back in April for my annual, but hopefully I'll be in before that for another pregnancy.

I think this is all good news, because although, I've lost my baby. Nothing I did caused it, I can try again soon, and nothing major was wrong with the fetal tissue. It was just a fluke of nature and I probably won't have any more problems! Yay! Now if my period would just start next week....

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