Sunday, September 21, 2003

Week ?

As you can tell, I'm not putting the week headings on until the doctor gives me a due date and I know where I stand. This weekend's been pretty quiet and relaxing. Friday night we invited some new neighbors that moved in about a week ago over for dinner. They seem nice, but I had a horrible headache that Tylenol wasn't touching, so probably wasn't as great of a hostess as I normally would have been. Saturday we just kind of hung out, but I did get some important things done like laundry and the bills. Saturday night Eric and I watched a movie and stayed up until about 1 a.m. Today has been all about relaxing and sleeping. I slept until about 10:30 a.m. then got up and made some pancakes. Then I was tired again, so took a nap about 12:30 p.m. Oh, well. I did manage to go to the grocery store today, and then have spent the rest of the day on the couch watching football with Eric.

On the baby front, I reread a section in the "What to Expect" book. I remember thinking the first time I read it, that is seemed like a stupid question, but this time it brought me some comfort. The question, "I'm very nervous because I can't really feel my baby. Could it die without my knowing it?" The answer, "At this stage, with no noticeable belly swelling andn no obvious fetal activity, it's hard to imagine that there's really a living, growing baby inside you. But the death of a fetus or embryo that isn't expelled from the uterus in a miscarriage is veryrare. When it does happen, a woman eventually loses all signs of pregnancy, including breast tenderness and enlargement, and may develop a brownish discharge, though no actual bleeeding. Upon examination, the practioner will find that the uterus has diminished in size."

So anyway, I definately still have pregnancy symptoms. My breasts are still extremely tender and I think they are growing a little every day. Today I even had my first obvious pregnancy mood swing (at least the first one I noticed :) I was asking Eric if it was too early to take a nap (an hour and a half after I got up) because he sometimes teases me about my napping, and I started to cry. Then I started laughing through my tears, because I knew that I was crying for pretty much no reason. Eric looked terrified! That seemed even funnier to me.

Last night while I was trying to go to sleep, I was thinking about the dates the doctor gave us for probably conception. If she's right, which for obvious reasons I hope she is, I think there's a good chance we'll have a boy. Supposedly, you are more likely to have a boy the closer intercourse is to ovulation, since the boy sperm swim faster and get to the egg first. The girls, apparently are slower, but live longer, so if you do it a couple days before ovulation the chance for a girl goes up. (Although, I think the chances are more like 51-52% instead of 50%, not a dramatic differance). She said she thinks ovulation happened around August 9th. We were together on August 4 (seems a little too far out to me), and the 9th and 10th. Sorry Mom and Dad if you're reading, but I kept track in case the doctor wanted to try to figure out when conception happened. I'm kind of glad I did right now. Well, that's it for now. I can't wait until Friday, to be sure everythings o.k. I'm trusting and praying that the doctor is right and that my body is acting normal, because it is normal, but I won't be able to truely relax until we get to see it again. Five more days.

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