Sunday, February 27, 2005

Another Weekend

It's been a rough weekend with one nice day sandwhiched in between.

Friday started off with me in an awful mood after a tiff with Eric when he bailed on his night of baby duty Thursday night. Things did get a bit better though and Eric brought home The Village to watch and we ordered a pizza. I went to bed and left him with the baby monitor. He came in at about 4:45 a.m. saying he couldn't get Grace to sleep and asked if she could sleep with me. I agreed and we slept until 8:45 a.m.!

Saturday after Grace and I got up and got a bottle, Eric went to the office and Grace and I headed to Babies' R Us to do a little scouting for the perfect shower gift for Samara and "Little Bean." Grace was an angel, smiling at me and anyone else and just hanging out as we walked around the store. We got home just in time for the 12:00 feeding. At around 1:00 p.m. I put her down in my bed for a nap. I fell asleep first, but she soon followed and we slept until about 3:30 p.m. After that we got up, got Grace another bottle and got ready for Mom & Dad's first night without the baby! I took her to my friend Kim's from work. Eric and I then went to the mall and got me a new pair of shoes for my birthday and took my Mother's ring to be sized to fit my middle finger. After the mall we went to a couple of sporting goods stores and purchased a weight bench, weights, and a treadmill. Finally, I'll really be able to exercise at home! No more excuses on the weight loss. After shopping we went to Outback. We had to wait 30 minutes longer than they told us we would, but eventually we got to eat. It was good, but we were really mad about the wait. After dinner we went and picked up Grace. She was very good for Kim which made us very happy.

This morning, Grace continued to be angelic during church. She was awake at first, but just sat quietly flashing us little smiles, then she started to fuss and I quickly gave her the pacifier. Then she just started sucking on it and drifted off to sleep until the service was over. We took another long nap this afternoon, but since then she's been a terror. I think she may just be gassy, but I went to the grocery store around 5:00 p.m. and Eric said she cried the whole time I was gone. She wouldn't take her bottle at 6, so we let her go to sleep and tried again at 7. This time she ate a bit, but still cried alot and after we gave her a bath she cried again for another 30 minutes or so. She's also had diarreah again. I'm not sure what's wrong with her, but if this is a glimpse of what a colicy baby would be, I'm glad we didn't have that! I hope we can get her to sleep tonight.

Ohhhhh...we need another diaper change. I better go now.

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