Saturday, February 12, 2005

Poor Baby

We have had our first sickness with Grace. She seems better today, but I just keep thinking, "My poor baby."

Thursday when we got home from daycare, I gave Grace her 6:00 bottle. While burping her, she made this horrible loud burp noise and threw up. It wasn't spit up, as it looked like pretty much everything she just ate, plus she was heaving to get it out. It went all over my pants and the floor and her bib as I was trying to catch it. We changed my clothes and cleaned up and she finished her bottle. She seemed fine the rest of the evening, Eric even had her smiling when he got home.

Thursday night/Friday morning around 1:30 a.m. Grace started crying on the monitor. I waited a couple minutes to see if she'd go back to sleep, as it was pretty early for her to be hungry. She didn't stop, so I went to check on her. I picked her up and saw that her face was all wet, so I looked and she'd thrown up in her crib. It was all over the sheets and her. It had ran down her face, so it was in her ear and hair and all over her sleeper. I changed her clothes and she seemed to feel better and acted like she was going to go back to sleep. I was holding her and then she threw up again all over me. So I took her into my room and sat her in her bouncy seat while I changed clothes and when I picked her back up, she threw up again (although this one was very small as there wasn't much left). I just rocked her for a while and then put down some extra blankets on my bed and let her sleep with me. She really wanted her pacifier, so I held it in her mouth. Unfortunately, every time it fell out, she woke up, and everytime I fell asleep and let go, it fell out. Let's just say it was a long 4 hours until we got up at 6:00.

Friday morning when we got up, she felt a little warm to me, but I get really hot when I sleep, so I thought it might just be a transfer of my body heat. I gave her her bottle, which she kept down, but her cheeks looked really rosy. We took her temperature 99.4. We decided to go ahead and take her to daycare. We told them what happened and they said they would keep an eye on her temperature. At work I decided to call the doctor and see if they wanted to see her. They did, so we got an appointment at 3:50 p.m. Just after lunch the daycare called to tell me that while she didn't have a fever, Grace had thrown up after her 12:00 p.m. bottle and she had diarreah at 12:30 p.m. Her 9:00 bottle went down fine though and she'd taken some good naps in the morning.

I picked her up just after 3 and we went to the doctor. They think she has some sort of stomach bug. They said it was a good sign that she had diarreah too, as if it was coming out both ends there wasn't a blockage. She still is interested in eating, so that is good and she isn't exceptionally fussy. He told us to try to feed her smaller amounts more often and if she doesn't want to take the formula we can try pedialite. We're just supposed to watch and make sure she doesn't start throwing up more frequently, get a higher fever, or get alot more fussy. If she's better on Monday we'll still do shots, but if not we can use our appointment as a sick visit.

So we came home and she ate her 6:00 bottle fine. I gave her a bath and started her 9:00 bottle on time. After 2 ounces, she threw up again. It really upset her. She cried and I saw her first real tears. I almost cried with her. We changed her and just cuddled and around 10, she took another 2 ounces and kept it down. She went to bed around 11:00 p.m. and slept until 4:00 a.m. She ate 4 ounces then and then Eric brought her back to sleep with me. She slept much better and we got up around 8:00 a.m. She took another 4 ounces and is now napping. Her face looks better and she was smiling for us this morning, so I'm hoping the worst has passed.

My poor baby. I just felt so bad for her. I keep cuddling with her and she seems to want that. This makes me feel like a Mom. Oh, yeah they weighed her at the doctor and she now weighs 12 pounds 6 ounces.

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