Tuesday, February 15, 2005

2 Month Doctor’s Appointment & Other Updates

Yesterday I had to take Grace to the doctor for her 2 month well-visit and shots. The doctor checked her out and agreed that she was well enough to get shots. I told her that I think she may be coming down with a cold. She’s been coughing a little over the past couple of days, although it’s a dry cough. She also has been having some stuff in her nose that looks more like nasal stuff than dried milk. Then lately she sounds a little wheezy. The doctor agreed that she might be coming down with something, but said they won’t do anything in advance. She said if she has trouble sleeping to use a humidifier and elevate her head (which we already do). I told her we did visit the Cleft Palate Clinic and she said they didn’t send her a letter. I did get one, so I said I’d try to remember to make her a copy for Grace’s file.

They weighed and measured her. She weighed 12 pounds 10 ounces and was 22 ½ inches long. She’s still above average in both height and weight. She was pretty fussy during the visit, but she fell asleep right about the time we got there, so she was missing her nap. She got 4 shots, 2 in each leg. She cried, but we didn’t see real tears. Afterwards, I put her in her carseat and she was asleep before we even made it to the car. I dropped her off at daycare at around 11:30 a.m. and she was still sleeping.

Later, I called the daycare at around 2:30 p.m. They said she was still sleeping! I was sort of annoyed because they didn’t wake her up for her bottle at noon. She went from 9:00 to 3:00 without eating. When she had her 6:00 bottle, she ate 7 ½ ounces! She usually only eats 4 or 5, so she must have been hungry. She was also sleepy in the evening, so it really wore her out.

On another note, Eric and I are feeling better, so it was a 24 hour bug. Also, we’ve really been doing well sleeping. Both Sunday night and last night, she went to bed at the normal time (between 10 and 10:30) and started waking up around 4:30 a.m. I went to get her at that time and brought her to bed with me with her pacifier and got her to stay in bed until 6:00, then we got up and got her a bottle. I’m trying to train her that 6:00 is get-up time, not 4:30 a.m. Today, she went back to sleep immediately, I think she just had some gas, since she farted as soon as I picked her up and went right back to sleep.

One more thing…This weekend will be our first weekend to travel with Grace. We’re heading back to Indiana for my niece’s birthday party. We’re driving to my Mother-In-Law’s on Friday night, and then up to my Grandparent’s so they can see Grace on Saturday morning, then back to my mother-in-laws. Sunday morning we’ll drive down to Kyle & Leslie’s and the party is at noon. We should be able to see them, plus Eric’s Dad and Girlfriend will be there. So we’ll get to see all of Eric’s side again, plus Great-Grandma & Grandpa. My Mom is planning on coming in the weekend of March 4th, so it’ll be nice to see her again too. Ok, this post is long enough. I better go.

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