Grace has been doing good in day care too (both days). It hasn't been that hard on me because I haven't had to take her. Eric leaves with her in the mornings and he drops her off. However, by me not going, I don't get the full update from the center about how her day went. After my endless questions yesterday, Eric did much better today at getting more information and when they got home he told me everything they said. The first day they said she was a little fussy until they figured out what her cries meant (can you believe they figured out in a day!) Today they said it was much better and she was a delight. Apparently she was a hit with the other kids too. Yesterday, a little boy (about 2) was laying beside her bouncy seat stroking her cheek while she was sleeping when Eric picked her up. Today a little girl said goodbye to her when they left. I'm super happy so far and think it's a good place for her.
Grace has been going through amazing amounts of change the past week too. She's really looking at things now. I know she knows who I am. I've caught her seeking me out when other people are holding her (even her Dad). She makes lots of movements with her hands and legs. She can activate some of her toys on the bouncy seat and playmat by batting or kicking them. She's been trying to figure out thumb sucking. She hasn't figured out the thumb part, but she keeps putting her fist up to her mouth. We're starting to get more frequent smiles too. Still not all the time, but every day we get a glimpse or two. Today she smiled at me in the morning while we were lounging on the bed waiting for Daddy to finish getting ready. It made my day. We also got several when we got home from daycare and even got one on camera.
She's started making more "talking" type noises too, so we just keep talking back to her. Her hair is getting thinner. She has a couple of spots on the back and side of her head that are almost bald. Her new hair is lighter in color than her newborn hair. I think she may turn out with more my color hair than Eric's. I don't think she'll go completely bald, though. The hair she does have is getting longer too, so that's neat. I hope her new hair will have some curl. It curls when it's wet, but dries straight, so we'll see. She's getting so big! I can't wait to see how much she weighs next week at the doctor. I'm sort of sad that she's not itty bitty anymore, but she's so much more fun now and I love watching her develop. I think things are going to start getting really fun soon. Ok, time to go, but here are a couple more pictures.
I love bath pictures.
This one was after a long nap on the couch with me. How's that for a bad hair day?
I love those pictures!!! The one of her just waking up is hysterical. I miss her sooo much, and you to of course. ;)
OH MY GOSH! She is changing and growing so much. I'm excited we'll get to see her in April for Samara's shower at least! Keep posting pics! We love them.
I can't wait to see her and hold her and see if Grandma can get a smile.
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