Wednesday, January 25, 2006

School News

Since I have the "all clear" from the surgeon for Grace to go back to daycare, I thought I'd give her a trial run this afternoon. I dropped her off and then drove downtown to the Community College to make sure I was on track to start classes in March.

My first stop was the Admissions office. I met with an advisor and we had a nice chat. It seems that I am on track. They don't have my transcripts yet, but I have been accepted. She said I will need to meet with an advisor in person to get permission to register for classes until my transcripts have been processed. I also asked when payment will need to be made, since I want to pay with my tax check.

Next I went to the advising center to meet with an Arts and Sciences advisor. I wasn't especially impressed with him. I told him that I wanted to take the Chem 171 class. He looked at my "unofficial" transcript and said I didn't have the calculus class needed as a pre-requisite and no chemistry, so I'd have to start with Chem 100. I told him that I took AP Calculus in high school and received college credit. However, my transcript didn't show the calculus and I only took Finate Math in college, so it didn't show up. The last time I took Chemistry was in High School, but that was over 5 years ago. He said if I can get the AP board to send my transcript, it should cover the calculus. He agreed to send an e-mail to the Chemistry department head to see if they'd let me in anyway. I don't want to have to take another class that won't even count. I asked if maybe I should start with Biology, just in case we don't get this worked out in time. However, he said I'd have the same pre-req issues with that class. However, if I get into the chem class, I'd also be qualified for the upper level biology.

I was slightly annoyed. I know I don't have all my transcripts processed yet, but I have a Bachelor's degree with a 4.0 GPA. I think I could handle an upper level chemistry or biology class. I left and went home. Luckily, later I checked my e-mail and I received an e-mail saying the chair approved me for the Chemistry class. Yeah! One down. Registration begins on Monday and at some time I have to go back and get the advisors signature and actually register for the class. I'm hoping to take classes on Tuesday and Thursday evenings.

Well, enough for tonight. I'm going to go back to work tomorrow. Wish me luck!

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