Friday, January 20, 2006

Chemo #5

Sorry for the delay. With the little one running around, it's hard to get a chance to update. Not that having my Mom here isn't tons of help, Grace just wants her Momma, so I can't always get away.

Anyway, chemo #5, or dose #2 of Taxotere was on Wednesday. A woman from church came by with a friend to watch Grace for us, so Mom could take me to the doctor. My appointment was at 9:45 a.m. and there weren't very many people there, but it still took over an hour to get the drugs started. Luckily, since they weren't that busy, Mom got to sit in the back with me in a recliner. One of the first things they told me was that they had screwed up the ordering. The new office I am going to isn't fully stocked like the main office, so they have to bring the drugs, etc. from the other office. This time they only brought 1/2 of my Taxotere. So, I had my Herceptin and a half dose of Taxotere. I will have to get the other half on Monday when I go in for my usual weekly CBC and Herceptin. So, I guess I have 1 1/2 rounds of chemo left.

Oh yeah, before the infusion I talked to Dr. Y. I had him schedule me for my repeat lung CT to check on that spot they saw the first time and my MUGA scan. I'm scheduled for February 22nd. I also told him that my hair is growing back and that I've had 2 periods while on treatment. He seemed a bit uncomfortable about talking about my female issues, but I wanted him to know. Sometimes I get a little paranoid about how well chemo is going for me. My hair is growing back, I haven't been that sick, I'm still having cycles, etc. Hopefully, the bad cells are getting the brunt of the medicine.

That's about it. We got home around 1:30 p.m. No major side effects except fatigue. Although it's been busy around here and today I woke up a little conjested again.

Tuesday and Wednesday, Grace had been running a bit of a fever, so at 4:30 p.m. on Wednesday when it was back up to 102 degrees I scheduled an AM appointment with Dr. H. We took her in and had to wait for about an hour, but they decided to do a follow up chest x-ray and bloodwork to be sure she was getting over her infection and pneumonia. The chest x-ray showed no active pneaumonia and after reviewing the lab work from the hospital, she seems to think we're on the right antibiotic course. I haven't heard anything back on the new bloodwork, but she hasn't had a fever over 100 since Wednesday, so I think she's doing ok.

That's about all I can think of for now. I'm hoping Monday goes ok for me, as Tuesday I have to take Grace back for her post-op appointment with the surgeon. I'm secretely hoping that he'll say she can get off the arm restraints and back to normal activity and diet. She's starting to get annoyed by the inability to bend her arms. I'd also like to not take 4 days of vacation time next week. No arm restraints means daycare is ok, and I could go back to work before Jan 30th.

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