Monday, September 05, 2005

The Rest of the Story

I am so sorry about my tardiness in updating about my appointment with the Breast Surgeon and the biopsy. Per my last post, I've been a little stressed and haven't got around to posting.

Tuesday I had an appointment at 5:00 p.m. with a Breast Surgeon. They called me earlier in the day to tell me they had a 4:30 cancellation, so I went earlier (still didn't see the doctor until 5 p.m.). I started to get a bit freaked out in the waiting room as a couple of women were in the waiting room that obviously were cancer patients (they had lost their hair and were wearing hats).

When I saw the doctor she first took my history. She seemed very interested in the fact that I have an 8 1/2 month old. She said that could lead to a cyst or even the hormone changes could accelerate growth in a Fibroadenoma. Then she did an exam and said, "It doesn't feel like cancer." She said cancer is very hard, like a rock.

Next she looked at my films. She said the same thing as the nurse at the radiology lab. She prefers to see egg or oval shaped Fibroadenoma's. She also said that in one view there was a dark shadow by it that she didn't like very much, but another view showed white behind it. She said basically that from my history and exam her guess would be a cellular fibroadenoma, but my ultrasound was throwing her off. She decided to do a FNA (Fine Needle Aspiration) and send the fluid/cells to pathology. She said she hoped she'd get a little old milk.

When she was done, I asked her what she thought. Apparently she didn't get any old milk, because her guess was the fibroadenoma. She said when she tries to get cells from a cancerous tumor it's like trying to scrape a rock. However, regardless of the result she wants to remove it. She said whatever it is, is fast-growing and could be aggrevated by hormonal changes, so it would probably get bigger when I get pregnant again. She scheduled me for surgery to remove it on September 21. When they remove it, they will also send it to be tested again.

I received the pathology results on Thursday afternoon. "Benign, results consistant with Fibroadenoma."

Friday, the nurse from the radiology lab called me. She was glad to hear things were good and told me she was a bit concerned with my ultrasound. However, she kept reminding herself that I'm only 26. See, now they tell me how concerned they were.

Anyway, results were good. Surgery scheduled in about 2 weeks and then this should be over. Thank you for all of your prayers.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jennifer - This all sounds very good. I'm so glad everything is looking good on this front. Hope your surgery is quick and that you recover soon. Take care!