The day-to-day life of a mother, wife, daughter, sister, friend, student, and cancer survivor. This is the journey through my life.
Wednesday, September 14, 2005
New Do
Got my Hair cut.
You like?
I haven't figured out how to post Flickr pictures yet, so go there to see some more cute ones of Grace.
1 comment:
What?!? I could have sworn I posted a comment a few days ago. Oh well, they'll probably both pop up sooner or later! I LOVE your new do''s very cute and sexy! I think I'll use you as an example to my hairdresser...I need a change. Is your hair naturally wavy/curly?
My name is Jennifer. I became a daughter 29 years ago and a wife 7 years ago.
In June 2003, Eric and I decided that we would like to become parents. Shortly thereafter, we were pregnant. Eight weeks later, I began this blog to help my family and friends keep up with my pregnancy. Unfortunately, that pregnancy was only with me for two more weeks before I was diagnosed with a "missed miscarriage."
In November 2003 we decided to try again. We were eventually successful. Grace was born December 12, 2004 and I became a mother.
September 23, 2005 I was diagnosed with breast cancer and decided this blog was a good place to write about that fight too. Sitting here three years later, I can call myself a survivor.
After 2 years of being cancer free we were blessed with another pregnancy. Our son Luke was born on May 7, 2008 and I again became a mother.
I hope others enjoy reading, but this blog is for me. I never know what I will become next, but I know it will be a journey. And whatever I become, I will wear it like a badge of honor.
1 comment:
What?!? I could have sworn I posted a comment a few days ago. Oh well, they'll probably both pop up sooner or later! I LOVE your new do''s very cute and sexy! I think I'll use you as an example to my hairdresser...I need a change. Is your hair naturally wavy/curly?
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