Tuesday - Had my appointment and got home around 6:30 p.m. Did the normal routine and studied after watching Big Brother. (Yeah, I'm a reality TV junky).
Wednesday - Had to pick Grace up from daycare, as it was the last day of the month and Eric worked late. Got a migraine almost immediately upon leaving work. Took some Imitrex as soon as Grace and I got home. She fell asleep in the car, so when we got home I layed on my bed with her for about 20 minutes. Eric got home when we got up and took care of her while I layed on the couch and eventually was sick to my stomach. I put Grace to bed at 7:30 and then took a quick bath and was in bed at 7:45 p.m. No studying.
Thursday - Attemped to reschedule exam at 4 p.m., realized I was now within 24 hour window and unable to reschedule. Watched Big Brother while studying. Studied until 11:15 p.m.
Friday - The office closed at noon, but of course I had a big crisis and couldn't leave that early. I stayed until 1:45 p.m. when I had to leave to take my exam. Good thing was that I was just waiting on people at work, rather than working on something myself, so I took a practice exam while waiting after noon. Took my 5th CPCU exam at 2:30 p.m. I'll give myself a 50/50 chance that I passed. I really need to study earlier in the process. I got home around 4 and logged on and did some more work related stuff. Got an e-mail at 4:45 telling me I needed to put together a proposal and letter for the client by the end of the day on Saturday. Got very annoyed. Started cleaning the downstairs, played with Grace. After Grace went to bed, finished cleaning the downstairs and did my proposal and letter for work.
Saturday - Grace slept until 8:30. Left at 10 for shopping. Met Samara at Babies-R-Us, then went to Wal-Mart and the grocery store. Got home around 2:30 p.m. and Grace was very ready for a nap. Spent the rest of the afternoon cleaning out the refrigerator, and cleaning the upstairs while Grace napped and Eric played with her. Grace went back to bed at 7:30 p.m. and I finally started baby-proofing. I got the Lazy-Susan and two cabinets done. Eric's Mom, Brother, and two nieces arrived at 8:30 p.m. Just hung out with them.
Sunday - Got up with Grace and Eric and made pancakes for everyone. We went to church with his mom and my oldest niece. Kyle and Logan stayed home. After we got home I made some macaroni and cheese (the oven kind) and a fruit pizza. Eric grilled burgers and hot dogs and we had a nice dinner. Kyle and Donna had never seen Lord of the Rings, so they pretty much spent all day watching all 3 movies. Yeah. My nieces don't have a bedtime, so when they finally collapsed at around 11 p.m. and I realized I couldn't make it through the third movie, I decided to head upstairs for bed at 12:30 p.m. Eric came up around 1:15 a.m.
Monday - Grace got up at 7:15. Spent a little time visiting with the family. They left around 9:30 a.m. We've spent the rest of the day just hanging out.
So, that was why I didn't post last week. I do realize that I've been lax about updating about all of Grace's achievements. I mentioned she's crawling. She has definately mastered the art of crawling. Her first forward motion was on Friday, by Sunday she could go several feet. And by the end of her first week of mobility, she could pretty much go anywhere she wanted. We also got our second tooth a week ago.
Last week, Grace's major skill has been pulling herself up. She now can easily crawl to any object, grab ahold and stand up. She has now figured out how to move her feet while standing, so she's officially "cruising" or walking around furniture while holding on. It makes her so happy. It's really cute, this weekend she's been practicing sitting down. She'll let go with one hand and turn out to the side, then she bends her knees and plops down to her bottom. No more random falling for her!
Here's a picture of her standing. By the way, this is the more formal living room, this isn't where she usually practices her pulling up. We have a nice wood table with rounded corners that she usually uses.
Ok, tomorrow look for an update on our appointment at Children's Hospital. I'm hoping I'll have a date for Grace's surgery.
Oh, boy, Grace is cruising! Watch out world! She's as cute as ever!
I know things have been difficult & scary for you. And now you have the surgery weighing on your mind. Soon this will all be behind you. Hang in there, Jennifer. You're in my thoughts.
Oh my! You know who Grace reminds me of right there???? Your mom!
I wish we could see her (and of course you) more often!
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