Thursday, September 22, 2005

My Great Husband

As promised (to Eric) here's a post about how great Eric's been lately.

A couple of weeks ago when I was really stressed out, I actually let it all out to Eric. I tend to be good at venting on my blog and even to my friends, but I think I don't like to complain so much to Eric. He tends to prefer to give me advice rather than just listen and empathize, so I get annoyed because I just want him to listen. Anyway, a couple of weeks ago, I just let it all out and we talked and I cried for about 45 minutes. It was so great. He did offer some advice, but mostly he just listened and told me that it sounds like I'm just really afraid of failing. I have never really failed at anything I've wanted to do and I've just got so much going on I can't give 100% to everything, so something's got to give. He helped me realize, I've just got to do what I can and keep in mind what's really important and where my priorities need to be.

Last week was really crazy. Eric had to help out alot. Wednesday, I went to get my hair cut after work, and Eric got Grace and fed her before I got home. Thursday I left for Toronto for a work meeting, so Eric had to take care of Grace Thursday night, Friday morning, and Friday night. I got home around 8 p.m. on Friday. I came home to a clean house. He had picked up, took the laundry upstairs, put his clothes up and left mine on the bed to put away. The dishwasher was even running when I got home. I got to relax Friday evening. Saturday, Grace started stirring at about 6:45 a.m., so I was about to get up and Eric told me to sleep and he would get her. So I slept until 8 a.m. Then I took the dog and cat to the vet for a 9 a.m. appointment and Eric stayed home with Grace. After lunch, I took Grace to the mall to get her pictures taken and shop with Samara and Ava. Samara, Will, and Ava came over around 6 and we got take out and the boys watched some college football. However, when I got home from the mall, Eric had mowed the yard and even ran the vacuum in the house.

I couldn't believe how much work he had done without me even asking. This week he's really helping out too. Yesterday, he took care of Grace all evening, since I can't lift her. He then went out and picked up some dinner for me after Grace went to bed. This morning, I offered to get up with them and feed Grace if he would just pick her up and put her in the highchair or on my lap. He didn't see the need, so he let me sleep and took care of her this morning.

So, lately I've been very impressed with how helpful Eric has been. I think things just get easier as Grace gets older. She's not as intimidating for Daddy to take care of anymore and she's just fun. Also, I think he realizes that I don't get to sit down until after she's in bed and I do the rest of the daily chores, so he has decided to help.

He's got some more stuff coming up to help me. I'm not supposed to do any lifting for a week, so he'll be helping alot over the next week. Then, I've got a girl's weekend in 2 weeks. In about a month, I'm going on a retreat for church, so he'll have her then too. I just need to be sure I give him some time for him. It's football season now, so I need to be sure he can have some time to himself on the weekends.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


....just want to let you know that I am praying for you. God will give you the strength you need.