Yesterday was a good day (except for Erica's bad news in the morning).
First of all Monday I called Dr. L's office to set up our appointment time for Friday and see if I could get my surgery on the schedule. I wanted to get things scheduled so my parents could decide when to make arrangements to come out. Her assistant had said we couldn't do the surgery on Monday (10/3), but we could on Wednesday (10/5). I asked if I would be able to travel by Friday, since I have a GWO scheduled in Chicago (and boy do I need some time with my girls). She said no, and since I already have made the plans, she decided to schedule me for Wednesday, October 12. Her assistant said she'd put me down for 10/12 and if Dr. L wanted to move it up, she would.
Anyway, before lunch Dr. L called. She said she saw I had scheduled surgery for the 12th. I asked if that was ok, because I certainly don't want to jepordize my health for a weekend with friends. She said it would workout perfectly, because in the meantime she wants to keep me busy with more tests. She wants me to have a CAT Scan to check my lungs and belly and a Bone Scan. These will be to rule out any activity and to give them a baseline reading in case something develops down the road. She also wants to schedule me for my initial consultation with the Medical Oncologist (chemo doctor). All of this before my surgery on October 12th.
She also told me that she had the results of the Hormone Receptors and they were negative. She said it was good and bad news. Bad news that she can't put me on Tomoxiphen. (I think she wants to hit me with everything she's got and this is one drug that can't help me.) Good news is that the window for having kids can get moved up. She said if everything still looks good at 2 years we can discuss it. Yeah!
At 1 p.m. I went for the mammogram. It really wasn't painful. It was awkward and uncomfortable, but the technician was very gentle (especially on the side my incision is on). The radiologist reviewed it while I waited and told me it was clear. They'll send the films to Dr. L, so I think we will review on Friday.
After I got back from my mammogram, I had a conference call with my boss and HR (I gave my boss permission to be present for the call). We confirmed that I can take intermittant leave as needed and it will count as short-term disability. Also, I only have 4 weeks of FMLA left (due to my maternity leave earlier this year), but they told me not to worry about my job or getting paid. I have 12 weeks of STD at 100% pay and 12 weeks at 80% pay before long-term disability would kick in at 60%. Considering I can take days as needed, I should be in good shape.
After the call my boss and I had a good talk. She brought up my work load and suggested that they temporarily reassign most of my client duties. Only leaving me on accounts that don't have much regular activity. Then I can work on the Professional Standards duties and policy checks. Activities that are important and need to be done, but not necessarily tied to strict deadlines. Her goal is for me to add value when I am in the office, but not be a negative when I'm not there. This should be a tremendous stress reliever, as I won't have to worry about things needing to get done if I don't feel up to coming in.
It felt like a good day. Today I got information in the mail from the Chemo doc (Dr. Y), my appointment is Monday, October 3 at 2:30 p.m.
Now I just need to think of questions for Friday and Monday (I've already got my list started.) My Mom is flying in for the weekend tomorrow afternoon. I'm looking forward to seeing her as we haven't seen each other since 4th of July. It's not the circumstances we wanted, but it's still going to be nice to see her.
Wednesday, September 28, 2005
Friday, September 23, 2005
More Information
Before I forget, I wanted to go over the information we got from talking to the doctor this afternoon. One good thing was that the Dr. tape recorded the appointment and let me have the tape, so I can listen to it again if I forget some of the things she said.
First of all the pathology report. Dr. L is pretty sure she got the entire tumor. She even took some "margins" because she was concerned as soon as she saw it. The tumor measured 1.6 cm, so she was really impressed that I found it. She said most patients don't feel a lump until it is between 3 to 5 cm. It was a Invasive Ductal tumor, meaning it started in a milk duct and then broke out of it. It was a Stage 3 tumor, meaning it was very aggressive and fast growing. Her thoughts were that it couldn't have been there more than a couple of months. She also said she doesn't think I would have found it if I had been breastfeeding, because my breasts would have been much more full and lumpy anyway.
Because, I am so young, Dr. L wants to pursue a very aggressive treatment plan. She said she is sure that the cancer we have found is gone. As far as we know, I no longer have any cancer in my body. However, if a couple of cells had broken off before removal and got into my blood stream or lymph nodes, they could take years to develop into another cancer. Fifteen or twenty years from now I could find a lump/spot on my lung, liver, or even brain. Twenty years from now, I will only be 46 years old. She said if I were 65, they would probably just say the cancer is gone, maybe do some radiation and be done. If 20 years later (at 85) something showed up, we'd deal with it then. However, they don't want to have to deal with a reoccurrence. I'd like to stay healthy for another 50 or 60 years.
So here's the plan:
Step 1 - Testing. First an MRI. This will allow them to look at the rest of my right breast and look at the left breast to be sure there isn't anything else in my breasts. They got me in right after the appointment for the MRI. Next, I have a mammogram scheduled for Tuesday. (I'm expecting that to be plenty painful on my fresh incision.) Friday morning Dr. L will be meeting with a team of about 20 doctors that meet weekly to discuss new cancer diagnosis patients. They will look over my ultrasound, pathology slides, MRI and mammogram information and agree with a game plan for treatment. Friday afternoon, I will meet with Dr. L again to go over the results of the new tests and confirm our next plan.
Step 2- Surgery. Dr. L wants to go back in and do "Sentinel Lymph Node Mapping." This will probably be in early October. Basically she will go in and use some dye at the tumor location and determine which are the main 3-5 lymph nodes that could have been affected by the cancer. They will remove those lymph nodes (from my armpit) and send them off to be tested. They'll get the results in about 10 minutes and then if they are clear, they'll close me back up and I'll go home. If they detect any cancer, they'll remove 10-20 lymph nodes at that time. Also during this surgery she may go back into the original site and remove some more tissue. Apparently some of the margins were only 1mm, so she might want to take out more tissue just to be safe.
Step 3 - Estrogen Sensitivity. At some point (I can't remember when) they will test the tumor to see if it was sensitive to estrogen and thus affected by my hormones. If it is, they will have me take a medication (pill) once a day for 5 years.
Step 4 - Chemotherapy. Regardless of the results of the lymph node surgery. I will be having chemo. This will start about a month after the surgery. Again, they want to be sure they kill everything, so I won't have as much of a chance of developing other cancer down the road. I will have probably 4 to 8 cycles. Most likely it will be a cycle every 2 to 3 weeks.
Step 5 - Radiation. Once the chemothereapy is completed. They will do radiation treatment at the tumor site. I will have to go in 5 days a week for a 5 to 10 minute session for 7 weeks.
Step 6 - Monitoring. I will be seeing Dr. L at least every 6 months until everything is complete. Then she will see me annually forever. I'm guessing I may have frequent mammograms too.
The hardest part of the whole appointment for me was when I asked about having more children. Eric and I had been planning on starting again in March. That's not going to happen. I will not be able to get pregnant while I am taking any of the medications. So if I have to take the pill for estrogen sensitive cancer, I will have to wait at least 5 years to get pregnant again. The doctor assured me, I'll only be 31 and perfectly cabable of having a baby, but that sort of squashes the idea of having my children 2 years apart or even considering being a surrogate. She seemed fairly sure that I'd be taking this pill, so we didn't ask how that timetable changes if I don't. I guess we'll cross that bridge when the time comes.
Sometimes your plans have to change. Funny how everytime I come up with a plan, God reminds me that I'm not in control of my life. I have to trust that he'll take care of me. I also thank God that I already have Grace. We'll deal with this now and when the time comes we'll decide if we want to attempt to have another child (6 years later) or if one is enough.
I'll leave you with a verse my Mom gave me today.
Jeremiah 29:11-13 "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart."
First of all the pathology report. Dr. L is pretty sure she got the entire tumor. She even took some "margins" because she was concerned as soon as she saw it. The tumor measured 1.6 cm, so she was really impressed that I found it. She said most patients don't feel a lump until it is between 3 to 5 cm. It was a Invasive Ductal tumor, meaning it started in a milk duct and then broke out of it. It was a Stage 3 tumor, meaning it was very aggressive and fast growing. Her thoughts were that it couldn't have been there more than a couple of months. She also said she doesn't think I would have found it if I had been breastfeeding, because my breasts would have been much more full and lumpy anyway.
Because, I am so young, Dr. L wants to pursue a very aggressive treatment plan. She said she is sure that the cancer we have found is gone. As far as we know, I no longer have any cancer in my body. However, if a couple of cells had broken off before removal and got into my blood stream or lymph nodes, they could take years to develop into another cancer. Fifteen or twenty years from now I could find a lump/spot on my lung, liver, or even brain. Twenty years from now, I will only be 46 years old. She said if I were 65, they would probably just say the cancer is gone, maybe do some radiation and be done. If 20 years later (at 85) something showed up, we'd deal with it then. However, they don't want to have to deal with a reoccurrence. I'd like to stay healthy for another 50 or 60 years.
So here's the plan:
Step 1 - Testing. First an MRI. This will allow them to look at the rest of my right breast and look at the left breast to be sure there isn't anything else in my breasts. They got me in right after the appointment for the MRI. Next, I have a mammogram scheduled for Tuesday. (I'm expecting that to be plenty painful on my fresh incision.) Friday morning Dr. L will be meeting with a team of about 20 doctors that meet weekly to discuss new cancer diagnosis patients. They will look over my ultrasound, pathology slides, MRI and mammogram information and agree with a game plan for treatment. Friday afternoon, I will meet with Dr. L again to go over the results of the new tests and confirm our next plan.
Step 2- Surgery. Dr. L wants to go back in and do "Sentinel Lymph Node Mapping." This will probably be in early October. Basically she will go in and use some dye at the tumor location and determine which are the main 3-5 lymph nodes that could have been affected by the cancer. They will remove those lymph nodes (from my armpit) and send them off to be tested. They'll get the results in about 10 minutes and then if they are clear, they'll close me back up and I'll go home. If they detect any cancer, they'll remove 10-20 lymph nodes at that time. Also during this surgery she may go back into the original site and remove some more tissue. Apparently some of the margins were only 1mm, so she might want to take out more tissue just to be safe.
Step 3 - Estrogen Sensitivity. At some point (I can't remember when) they will test the tumor to see if it was sensitive to estrogen and thus affected by my hormones. If it is, they will have me take a medication (pill) once a day for 5 years.
Step 4 - Chemotherapy. Regardless of the results of the lymph node surgery. I will be having chemo. This will start about a month after the surgery. Again, they want to be sure they kill everything, so I won't have as much of a chance of developing other cancer down the road. I will have probably 4 to 8 cycles. Most likely it will be a cycle every 2 to 3 weeks.
Step 5 - Radiation. Once the chemothereapy is completed. They will do radiation treatment at the tumor site. I will have to go in 5 days a week for a 5 to 10 minute session for 7 weeks.
Step 6 - Monitoring. I will be seeing Dr. L at least every 6 months until everything is complete. Then she will see me annually forever. I'm guessing I may have frequent mammograms too.
The hardest part of the whole appointment for me was when I asked about having more children. Eric and I had been planning on starting again in March. That's not going to happen. I will not be able to get pregnant while I am taking any of the medications. So if I have to take the pill for estrogen sensitive cancer, I will have to wait at least 5 years to get pregnant again. The doctor assured me, I'll only be 31 and perfectly cabable of having a baby, but that sort of squashes the idea of having my children 2 years apart or even considering being a surrogate. She seemed fairly sure that I'd be taking this pill, so we didn't ask how that timetable changes if I don't. I guess we'll cross that bridge when the time comes.
Sometimes your plans have to change. Funny how everytime I come up with a plan, God reminds me that I'm not in control of my life. I have to trust that he'll take care of me. I also thank God that I already have Grace. We'll deal with this now and when the time comes we'll decide if we want to attempt to have another child (6 years later) or if one is enough.
I'll leave you with a verse my Mom gave me today.
Jeremiah 29:11-13 "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart."
This morning at 9:30 a.m. the surgeon called with my results from biopsy from surgery. Let's just say when the surgeon calls personally, it can't be good news.
I have cancer. It stills blows my mind. I'm 26 years old with no family history and yet, somehow, I developed breast cancer.
I'm doing ok. I think I'm still in shock and it hasn't really sunk in yet. Eric was a mess, but he's doing better now. We are going in to talk to the doctor at 4:30 this afternoon. I'm guessing she'll tell me most of the same things she said on the phone, but this time I'll listen.
I think we're going to do some testing to be sure it isn't anywhere else, and maybe discuss what treatment options will be.
I don't really know anything else right now. I'll update you as I know more, but for now, just keep me in your prayers.
I have cancer. It stills blows my mind. I'm 26 years old with no family history and yet, somehow, I developed breast cancer.
I'm doing ok. I think I'm still in shock and it hasn't really sunk in yet. Eric was a mess, but he's doing better now. We are going in to talk to the doctor at 4:30 this afternoon. I'm guessing she'll tell me most of the same things she said on the phone, but this time I'll listen.
I think we're going to do some testing to be sure it isn't anywhere else, and maybe discuss what treatment options will be.
I don't really know anything else right now. I'll update you as I know more, but for now, just keep me in your prayers.
Thursday, September 22, 2005
My Great Husband
As promised (to Eric) here's a post about how great Eric's been lately.
A couple of weeks ago when I was really stressed out, I actually let it all out to Eric. I tend to be good at venting on my blog and even to my friends, but I think I don't like to complain so much to Eric. He tends to prefer to give me advice rather than just listen and empathize, so I get annoyed because I just want him to listen. Anyway, a couple of weeks ago, I just let it all out and we talked and I cried for about 45 minutes. It was so great. He did offer some advice, but mostly he just listened and told me that it sounds like I'm just really afraid of failing. I have never really failed at anything I've wanted to do and I've just got so much going on I can't give 100% to everything, so something's got to give. He helped me realize, I've just got to do what I can and keep in mind what's really important and where my priorities need to be.
Last week was really crazy. Eric had to help out alot. Wednesday, I went to get my hair cut after work, and Eric got Grace and fed her before I got home. Thursday I left for Toronto for a work meeting, so Eric had to take care of Grace Thursday night, Friday morning, and Friday night. I got home around 8 p.m. on Friday. I came home to a clean house. He had picked up, took the laundry upstairs, put his clothes up and left mine on the bed to put away. The dishwasher was even running when I got home. I got to relax Friday evening. Saturday, Grace started stirring at about 6:45 a.m., so I was about to get up and Eric told me to sleep and he would get her. So I slept until 8 a.m. Then I took the dog and cat to the vet for a 9 a.m. appointment and Eric stayed home with Grace. After lunch, I took Grace to the mall to get her pictures taken and shop with Samara and Ava. Samara, Will, and Ava came over around 6 and we got take out and the boys watched some college football. However, when I got home from the mall, Eric had mowed the yard and even ran the vacuum in the house.
I couldn't believe how much work he had done without me even asking. This week he's really helping out too. Yesterday, he took care of Grace all evening, since I can't lift her. He then went out and picked up some dinner for me after Grace went to bed. This morning, I offered to get up with them and feed Grace if he would just pick her up and put her in the highchair or on my lap. He didn't see the need, so he let me sleep and took care of her this morning.
So, lately I've been very impressed with how helpful Eric has been. I think things just get easier as Grace gets older. She's not as intimidating for Daddy to take care of anymore and she's just fun. Also, I think he realizes that I don't get to sit down until after she's in bed and I do the rest of the daily chores, so he has decided to help.
He's got some more stuff coming up to help me. I'm not supposed to do any lifting for a week, so he'll be helping alot over the next week. Then, I've got a girl's weekend in 2 weeks. In about a month, I'm going on a retreat for church, so he'll have her then too. I just need to be sure I give him some time for him. It's football season now, so I need to be sure he can have some time to himself on the weekends.
A couple of weeks ago when I was really stressed out, I actually let it all out to Eric. I tend to be good at venting on my blog and even to my friends, but I think I don't like to complain so much to Eric. He tends to prefer to give me advice rather than just listen and empathize, so I get annoyed because I just want him to listen. Anyway, a couple of weeks ago, I just let it all out and we talked and I cried for about 45 minutes. It was so great. He did offer some advice, but mostly he just listened and told me that it sounds like I'm just really afraid of failing. I have never really failed at anything I've wanted to do and I've just got so much going on I can't give 100% to everything, so something's got to give. He helped me realize, I've just got to do what I can and keep in mind what's really important and where my priorities need to be.
Last week was really crazy. Eric had to help out alot. Wednesday, I went to get my hair cut after work, and Eric got Grace and fed her before I got home. Thursday I left for Toronto for a work meeting, so Eric had to take care of Grace Thursday night, Friday morning, and Friday night. I got home around 8 p.m. on Friday. I came home to a clean house. He had picked up, took the laundry upstairs, put his clothes up and left mine on the bed to put away. The dishwasher was even running when I got home. I got to relax Friday evening. Saturday, Grace started stirring at about 6:45 a.m., so I was about to get up and Eric told me to sleep and he would get her. So I slept until 8 a.m. Then I took the dog and cat to the vet for a 9 a.m. appointment and Eric stayed home with Grace. After lunch, I took Grace to the mall to get her pictures taken and shop with Samara and Ava. Samara, Will, and Ava came over around 6 and we got take out and the boys watched some college football. However, when I got home from the mall, Eric had mowed the yard and even ran the vacuum in the house.
I couldn't believe how much work he had done without me even asking. This week he's really helping out too. Yesterday, he took care of Grace all evening, since I can't lift her. He then went out and picked up some dinner for me after Grace went to bed. This morning, I offered to get up with them and feed Grace if he would just pick her up and put her in the highchair or on my lap. He didn't see the need, so he let me sleep and took care of her this morning.
So, lately I've been very impressed with how helpful Eric has been. I think things just get easier as Grace gets older. She's not as intimidating for Daddy to take care of anymore and she's just fun. Also, I think he realizes that I don't get to sit down until after she's in bed and I do the rest of the daily chores, so he has decided to help.
He's got some more stuff coming up to help me. I'm not supposed to do any lifting for a week, so he'll be helping alot over the next week. Then, I've got a girl's weekend in 2 weeks. In about a month, I'm going on a retreat for church, so he'll have her then too. I just need to be sure I give him some time for him. It's football season now, so I need to be sure he can have some time to himself on the weekends.
Wednesday, September 21, 2005
Under the Knife
I'm pleased to report that I made it through my surgery today. I had to be there at 10 a.m. and was scheduled for a 12:00 surgery. It's such a long drawn out process. We got there at 10 and breezed through registration. We went to the surgery waiting area and they took me back to get into the hospital gown and get the IV started. They brought Eric back to wait with me until they took me to the pre-op area at 11:20. The only difference was they took my glasses, put me in a bed instead of a chair, and actually hooked up the IV. Surgery was supposed to start at noon, but the doctor was running late, so we didn't start until almost 1 p.m. I had a little TV to watch though, so it wasn't too bad.
Once they took me back to the OR, things got blurry. I remember moving to the table and then at some point they must have started the anesthesia. Next thing I remember was waking up in recovery. After a while they moved me back to the first room I was in and Eric came back to wait with me while I started to get back to normal. They let us leave around 2:45 p.m.
After the surgery, the doctor went to talk to Eric. She said that it went well. She ended up taking some extra fatty tissue from around the tumor, because it was "harder" than she expected. I asked Eric if she meant "more difficult" or "hard/solid." He said it was harder, as in more firm. She said that she wanted to have it tested again and in Eric's opinion she was "slightly" concerned about it. This concerns me a little because in her office she kept telling that cancer is very hard like a rock and she was sort of concerned about the ultrasound. Now, the first biopsy came back benign, so that is encouraging and I'd be surprised if something changed this time, but it's just one more thing to sort of worry about. They got my last results in 2 days, so I'm going to call on Friday to see if they know anything, but the discharge nurse said I'd get the results in about a week.
Anyway, recovery should go as follows. I am to limit activity for the next 48 hours. I have to leave the bandage on for 48 hours and cannot get it wet. I also have an ice pack to have on for 30 minutes then off for 30 minutes while I'm awake for the first 24 hours. After I remove the outer bandage, I will have "steri-strips" that will stay on for 7 to 10 days. I do not have any stitches on the skin level. I have a follow up appointment in the office on October 13. The only other difficult thing is that I can't do any heavy lifting (over 10-15 pounds) for a week.
So far I feel ok. I was nauseous soon after I got home, but ate some soup and took a nap. Now that I'm on painkillers and using my ice pack I feel ok. Eric's been good and took care of Grace this evening. (I promised him a post on how great he's been this week, so I'll work on that one tomorrow.) Tonight I'm going to just watch some TV and hang out on the couch.
Once they took me back to the OR, things got blurry. I remember moving to the table and then at some point they must have started the anesthesia. Next thing I remember was waking up in recovery. After a while they moved me back to the first room I was in and Eric came back to wait with me while I started to get back to normal. They let us leave around 2:45 p.m.
After the surgery, the doctor went to talk to Eric. She said that it went well. She ended up taking some extra fatty tissue from around the tumor, because it was "harder" than she expected. I asked Eric if she meant "more difficult" or "hard/solid." He said it was harder, as in more firm. She said that she wanted to have it tested again and in Eric's opinion she was "slightly" concerned about it. This concerns me a little because in her office she kept telling that cancer is very hard like a rock and she was sort of concerned about the ultrasound. Now, the first biopsy came back benign, so that is encouraging and I'd be surprised if something changed this time, but it's just one more thing to sort of worry about. They got my last results in 2 days, so I'm going to call on Friday to see if they know anything, but the discharge nurse said I'd get the results in about a week.
Anyway, recovery should go as follows. I am to limit activity for the next 48 hours. I have to leave the bandage on for 48 hours and cannot get it wet. I also have an ice pack to have on for 30 minutes then off for 30 minutes while I'm awake for the first 24 hours. After I remove the outer bandage, I will have "steri-strips" that will stay on for 7 to 10 days. I do not have any stitches on the skin level. I have a follow up appointment in the office on October 13. The only other difficult thing is that I can't do any heavy lifting (over 10-15 pounds) for a week.
So far I feel ok. I was nauseous soon after I got home, but ate some soup and took a nap. Now that I'm on painkillers and using my ice pack I feel ok. Eric's been good and took care of Grace this evening. (I promised him a post on how great he's been this week, so I'll work on that one tomorrow.) Tonight I'm going to just watch some TV and hang out on the couch.
Wednesday, September 14, 2005
New Do
Got my Hair cut.

You like?
I haven't figured out how to post Flickr pictures yet, so go there to see some more cute ones of Grace.
You like?
I haven't figured out how to post Flickr pictures yet, so go there to see some more cute ones of Grace.
Monday, September 12, 2005
Nine Months
Today is Grace's 9 Month birthday. I can't even begin to describe how wonderful she is now. She has such a personality. She's changed so much this weekend. She's a determined crawler. She's getting some speed now too. If she sees something she wants, she'll head right for it. Sometimes she'll get frustrated and cry if she isn't getting there fast enough. For example, if I'm in the kitchen and she's in the living room and she wants me, she'll crawl right for me and cry the whole way there. She also will pull up and stand on anything. The coffee table was first, now toys, walls, chairs, even my legs are used to pull herself up. She has figured out how to sit down without falling and cruises around the furniture. She's attempted steps at day-care which have resulted in her falling and hitting her head on various objects, but she's doing it. I fianally did some babyproofing this month. I installed a gate at the top of the stairs, Grace has to stay in the pack-n-play while we're in the shower, and I did a couple of the cabinets in the kitchen. She has 2 teeth and I'm expecting more any day. She's been chewing on her hands, drooling, and sticking out her tounge a lot over the past couple of days. Our prediction is walking at right around 10 months. I love it.
Here's her progress according to "What to Expect the First Year," The Ninth Month:
By the end of this month, your baby
...should be able to:
- work to get a toy out of reach
- look for dropped object
...will probably be able to:
- pull up to a standing position from sitting
- get into a sitting position from stomach
- object if you try to take a toy away
- stand holding onto someone or something
- pick up tiny object with any part of thump and finger
- say mama or dada indiscriminately (I still don't know if she means me)
- play peekaboo
...may possibly be able to:
- play patty-cake (clap hands) or wave bye-bye
- walk holding onto furniture (cruise)
- understand word "no" (but not always obey it)
...may even be able to:
- "play ball" (roll ball back to you)
- drink from a cup independently (thank you new sippy cup)
- pick up a tiny object neatly with tips of thumb and forefringer
- stand alone momentarily (almost!)
- stand alone well
- say dada or mama discriminately
- say one word other than mama or dada
- respond to one-step command with gestures (give that to me - with hand out)
Here's her progress according to "What to Expect the First Year," The Ninth Month:
By the end of this month, your baby
...should be able to:
- work to get a toy out of reach
- look for dropped object
...will probably be able to:
- pull up to a standing position from sitting
- get into a sitting position from stomach
- object if you try to take a toy away
- stand holding onto someone or something
- pick up tiny object with any part of thump and finger
- say mama or dada indiscriminately (I still don't know if she means me)
- play peekaboo
...may possibly be able to:
- play patty-cake (clap hands) or wave bye-bye
- walk holding onto furniture (cruise)
- understand word "no" (but not always obey it)
...may even be able to:
- "play ball" (roll ball back to you)
- drink from a cup independently (thank you new sippy cup)
- pick up a tiny object neatly with tips of thumb and forefringer
- stand alone momentarily (almost!)
- stand alone well
- say dada or mama discriminately
- say one word other than mama or dada
- respond to one-step command with gestures (give that to me - with hand out)
Getting Better
I'm not sure what the change is, but I'm feeling beter this week. I took my CPCU exam (although I didn't pass and will have to retake it). I actually got something accomplished at work today and I got to have an evening out with my husband this weekend. I've still got some stress. I've decided not to worry about the diet until things calm down a little. I've got a trip to Toronto Thursday and Friday of this week and surgery next week. At least I feel a little better for the moment.
Anyway, about the weekend. We left Friday after work for Indiana. Grace was right on schedule. She played and chatted nicely in the car until we stopped at 6:30 p.m. for dinner. We all ate and then got back in the car. At about 7:25 she started getting fussy and then at 7:35 p.m. fell fast asleep. When we got to Eric's mom's house, I woke Grace up to change her diaper and put her in her pajamas. When she saw we were in a new place and her Nana, she was wide awake. Considering the time difference, I decided this was ok and hoped she'd sleep later in the morning. After about 45 minutes she started acting tired again, so we put her to bed.
Despite my hopes, Grace woke up at 5:30 a.m. (6:30 our time). As soon as she cried, Donna got up and got her. I got up too and fixed her breakfast (cereal, bananas, and bottle). Then I went back to bed until about 7:30 a.m. while Donna fed her and played. When I got up I made some dip for the family reunion and Eric and I showered and got ready while Grace took a nap. We woke Grace at about 10:00 and fed her again before we headed to the reunion. The reunion itself was ok. It was hard on Grace because she had to be held, play in the pack-in-play or in the stroller. The reunion was at a park, so we couldn't let her crawl around anywhere. Eric's brother and family arrived at around 2 p.m. Eric, Grace, and I left around 3:30 and went to the mall to get some clothes for a family picture (we had a misunderstanding about whether or not we were going to do pictures, so we didn't pack clothes). When we got back to Donna's we changed, cleaned up a little and fed Grace. Then we went to BW3's with Kyle and Leslie to watch the OSU/Texas game. We stayed until just after halftime and then went to Bogey's to play a round of putt-putt and ride go-carts. We got home around midnight.
Grace got up at 6:30 and so did everyone else. We all showered and dressed and headed across the street to get our pictures taken at Donna's neighbor's studio. We took a family picture of Eric, Grace, and I. We also took a picture of the whole family (Donna, Kyle, Leslie, Ashton, Logan, Eric, Grace, and I). This one wasn't as good as we wanted it to be. Logan decided, since she was two, she didn't want her picture taken. She screamed anytime we even attempted to take a picture. We did the best we could. Finally at around 11 a.m. we left for home. We had to stop for lunch and then stopped at the grocery store on the way home, so finally made it back around 4:45 p.m. One good part was that Logan uses a sippy cup that Grace will be able to use. It is called a Nuby and has a very soft top and spout. If you put pressure on the spout (biting or sucking), a valve opens and the liquid will pore out. We bought several at Wal-Mart when we got back. After Grace went to bed we watched the Colts win the first game of the season.
Very relaxing weekend.
Anyway, about the weekend. We left Friday after work for Indiana. Grace was right on schedule. She played and chatted nicely in the car until we stopped at 6:30 p.m. for dinner. We all ate and then got back in the car. At about 7:25 she started getting fussy and then at 7:35 p.m. fell fast asleep. When we got to Eric's mom's house, I woke Grace up to change her diaper and put her in her pajamas. When she saw we were in a new place and her Nana, she was wide awake. Considering the time difference, I decided this was ok and hoped she'd sleep later in the morning. After about 45 minutes she started acting tired again, so we put her to bed.
Despite my hopes, Grace woke up at 5:30 a.m. (6:30 our time). As soon as she cried, Donna got up and got her. I got up too and fixed her breakfast (cereal, bananas, and bottle). Then I went back to bed until about 7:30 a.m. while Donna fed her and played. When I got up I made some dip for the family reunion and Eric and I showered and got ready while Grace took a nap. We woke Grace at about 10:00 and fed her again before we headed to the reunion. The reunion itself was ok. It was hard on Grace because she had to be held, play in the pack-in-play or in the stroller. The reunion was at a park, so we couldn't let her crawl around anywhere. Eric's brother and family arrived at around 2 p.m. Eric, Grace, and I left around 3:30 and went to the mall to get some clothes for a family picture (we had a misunderstanding about whether or not we were going to do pictures, so we didn't pack clothes). When we got back to Donna's we changed, cleaned up a little and fed Grace. Then we went to BW3's with Kyle and Leslie to watch the OSU/Texas game. We stayed until just after halftime and then went to Bogey's to play a round of putt-putt and ride go-carts. We got home around midnight.
Grace got up at 6:30 and so did everyone else. We all showered and dressed and headed across the street to get our pictures taken at Donna's neighbor's studio. We took a family picture of Eric, Grace, and I. We also took a picture of the whole family (Donna, Kyle, Leslie, Ashton, Logan, Eric, Grace, and I). This one wasn't as good as we wanted it to be. Logan decided, since she was two, she didn't want her picture taken. She screamed anytime we even attempted to take a picture. We did the best we could. Finally at around 11 a.m. we left for home. We had to stop for lunch and then stopped at the grocery store on the way home, so finally made it back around 4:45 p.m. One good part was that Logan uses a sippy cup that Grace will be able to use. It is called a Nuby and has a very soft top and spout. If you put pressure on the spout (biting or sucking), a valve opens and the liquid will pore out. We bought several at Wal-Mart when we got back. After Grace went to bed we watched the Colts win the first game of the season.
Very relaxing weekend.
Tuesday, September 06, 2005
Grace's Consultation at Children's Hospital
We had a 1:30 appointment today at the Craniofacial Clinic at Children's Hospital to get some more information about Grace's cleft palate surgery. At 2:30 p.m. we finally left the waiting room and went back to exam room. Grace played nicely for the first 45 minutes or so, but then got fussy because it was about naptime. Luckily, she let me hold her and rock her and fell asleep in my arms about 10 minutes before they called us back.
The first doctor that we saw was the surgeon that will be performing the surgery. He said his office will call me to put it on the schedule. I asked when he thought it would be and he said in December, around her birthday. She will come in for surgery, spend the night and most likely come home the next day. They need to be sure she is eating and drinking well before she comes home. He said the worst part for her and me is that she will need to be in arm restraints to keep her from putting her hands in her mouth. I asked how long, and he said "2 to 3 weeks." That's right, she won't be able to put anything in her mouth for 2 to 3 weeks. I asked how that will affect her crawling, walking, pulling up, etc. He said it might set her back during that time. The restraints will keep her from bending her arms at the elbow. She will be allowed to use a bottle and have soft baby foods. She will also be permitted to use a pacifier, but won't be able to put it in her own mouth. I asked how they will fix the hole. They will cut two slits in the skin on the roof of her mouth to either side of the opening. Then they will pull the skin over and sew it shut in the middle. The raw areas on the sides will heal over the same 2 to 3 week period. He gave a 85% chance that she will only need the one surgery.
Next we saw the dentist team. He looked at her new teeth and was glad that I am already brushing them. He gave me the name of a dentist that she should see when she is between 18 months and 2 years old. This dentist is familiar with cleft palate patients. He said the only issue she may have is that after the surgery, her mouth may be "less stretchy" so her upper jaw may not widen appropriately. If this becomes a problem, she may need some orthodontics to help correct it.
Next came the speech therapist. She asked if Grace was babbling and if she was making any sounds that might be words. I told her she says ma-ma, but I don't know that she means anything by it. She asked if she understands commands like come here, no, or lifts her arms to be picked up. I said yes. She asked if I had any concerns about her hearing or any other issues. I mentioned that she doesn't make the "da" sound yet. I asked when we will know if she needs therapy. She said at her 2 year appointment, they will be sure she has several words in her vocabulary. At age 3 they start listening to the quality of the words. Therapy may come after that. She also told me to use the non-spill proof sippy cups to teach her how to drink. She doesn't think that she will be able to use a spill proof one right now. Although, the day-care says she uses one well there, I may need to see which kind I gave them and try it out at home. I asked about her bottles. She said that after surgery I can keep using the same bottles or just wean her to a cup at that time. I'm not sure what we'll do yet.
Next came the ENT (Ear, Nose, & Throat) doctor. He asked about her ear infections, and I told him that she's had 2 single, and 2 doubles. He looked in her ears and said the eardrum looks, "dull and doesn't have much movement." He definately thinks she should have tubes put in. It will add about 5 minutes to the surgery. They will make a tiny slit in her eardrum and insert the tube for drainage. They will grow out in about a year and by that time, she hopefully won't need them anymore.
Finally, the surgeon came back to wrap up. I asked him about Grace's recovery time and how much time we needed off work before she can go back to daycare. He said we should be with her at least 2 weeks, maybe 3. I guess that makes since with the arm restraints. It might be hard to send her back to daycare like that.
So, we're waiting on a call to schedule her surgery. I'm hoping if they are doing December, that they will do it after Christmas. I keep thinking of her in those restraints for a birthday party and Christmas. It just seems so sad. Also, I only have 5 days of vacation left to take this year. If it was after Christmas, the two week period would go into January, and I'd have more vacation. Although, Eric seems to think he'll have a lot of trouble getting off work the last week of December. If taking time off is a problem, we may be able to get some Grandma help. I know my Mom mentioned wanting to come out when Grace has her surgery. Also, Eric's mom told us that she is off work from December 16 - January 2, so we may be able to have them help out if we need to go back to work. I have two January 1 renewals, so I may need to go in for a day or something. I guess we'll just see how the scheduling goes and go from there.
The first doctor that we saw was the surgeon that will be performing the surgery. He said his office will call me to put it on the schedule. I asked when he thought it would be and he said in December, around her birthday. She will come in for surgery, spend the night and most likely come home the next day. They need to be sure she is eating and drinking well before she comes home. He said the worst part for her and me is that she will need to be in arm restraints to keep her from putting her hands in her mouth. I asked how long, and he said "2 to 3 weeks." That's right, she won't be able to put anything in her mouth for 2 to 3 weeks. I asked how that will affect her crawling, walking, pulling up, etc. He said it might set her back during that time. The restraints will keep her from bending her arms at the elbow. She will be allowed to use a bottle and have soft baby foods. She will also be permitted to use a pacifier, but won't be able to put it in her own mouth. I asked how they will fix the hole. They will cut two slits in the skin on the roof of her mouth to either side of the opening. Then they will pull the skin over and sew it shut in the middle. The raw areas on the sides will heal over the same 2 to 3 week period. He gave a 85% chance that she will only need the one surgery.
Next we saw the dentist team. He looked at her new teeth and was glad that I am already brushing them. He gave me the name of a dentist that she should see when she is between 18 months and 2 years old. This dentist is familiar with cleft palate patients. He said the only issue she may have is that after the surgery, her mouth may be "less stretchy" so her upper jaw may not widen appropriately. If this becomes a problem, she may need some orthodontics to help correct it.
Next came the speech therapist. She asked if Grace was babbling and if she was making any sounds that might be words. I told her she says ma-ma, but I don't know that she means anything by it. She asked if she understands commands like come here, no, or lifts her arms to be picked up. I said yes. She asked if I had any concerns about her hearing or any other issues. I mentioned that she doesn't make the "da" sound yet. I asked when we will know if she needs therapy. She said at her 2 year appointment, they will be sure she has several words in her vocabulary. At age 3 they start listening to the quality of the words. Therapy may come after that. She also told me to use the non-spill proof sippy cups to teach her how to drink. She doesn't think that she will be able to use a spill proof one right now. Although, the day-care says she uses one well there, I may need to see which kind I gave them and try it out at home. I asked about her bottles. She said that after surgery I can keep using the same bottles or just wean her to a cup at that time. I'm not sure what we'll do yet.
Next came the ENT (Ear, Nose, & Throat) doctor. He asked about her ear infections, and I told him that she's had 2 single, and 2 doubles. He looked in her ears and said the eardrum looks, "dull and doesn't have much movement." He definately thinks she should have tubes put in. It will add about 5 minutes to the surgery. They will make a tiny slit in her eardrum and insert the tube for drainage. They will grow out in about a year and by that time, she hopefully won't need them anymore.
Finally, the surgeon came back to wrap up. I asked him about Grace's recovery time and how much time we needed off work before she can go back to daycare. He said we should be with her at least 2 weeks, maybe 3. I guess that makes since with the arm restraints. It might be hard to send her back to daycare like that.
So, we're waiting on a call to schedule her surgery. I'm hoping if they are doing December, that they will do it after Christmas. I keep thinking of her in those restraints for a birthday party and Christmas. It just seems so sad. Also, I only have 5 days of vacation left to take this year. If it was after Christmas, the two week period would go into January, and I'd have more vacation. Although, Eric seems to think he'll have a lot of trouble getting off work the last week of December. If taking time off is a problem, we may be able to get some Grandma help. I know my Mom mentioned wanting to come out when Grace has her surgery. Also, Eric's mom told us that she is off work from December 16 - January 2, so we may be able to have them help out if we need to go back to work. I have two January 1 renewals, so I may need to go in for a day or something. I guess we'll just see how the scheduling goes and go from there.
Monday, September 05, 2005
On a Lighter Note
So, now that's I've got the health stuff out of the way, here's the rest of my week.
Tuesday - Had my appointment and got home around 6:30 p.m. Did the normal routine and studied after watching Big Brother. (Yeah, I'm a reality TV junky).
Wednesday - Had to pick Grace up from daycare, as it was the last day of the month and Eric worked late. Got a migraine almost immediately upon leaving work. Took some Imitrex as soon as Grace and I got home. She fell asleep in the car, so when we got home I layed on my bed with her for about 20 minutes. Eric got home when we got up and took care of her while I layed on the couch and eventually was sick to my stomach. I put Grace to bed at 7:30 and then took a quick bath and was in bed at 7:45 p.m. No studying.
Thursday - Attemped to reschedule exam at 4 p.m., realized I was now within 24 hour window and unable to reschedule. Watched Big Brother while studying. Studied until 11:15 p.m.
Friday - The office closed at noon, but of course I had a big crisis and couldn't leave that early. I stayed until 1:45 p.m. when I had to leave to take my exam. Good thing was that I was just waiting on people at work, rather than working on something myself, so I took a practice exam while waiting after noon. Took my 5th CPCU exam at 2:30 p.m. I'll give myself a 50/50 chance that I passed. I really need to study earlier in the process. I got home around 4 and logged on and did some more work related stuff. Got an e-mail at 4:45 telling me I needed to put together a proposal and letter for the client by the end of the day on Saturday. Got very annoyed. Started cleaning the downstairs, played with Grace. After Grace went to bed, finished cleaning the downstairs and did my proposal and letter for work.
Saturday - Grace slept until 8:30. Left at 10 for shopping. Met Samara at Babies-R-Us, then went to Wal-Mart and the grocery store. Got home around 2:30 p.m. and Grace was very ready for a nap. Spent the rest of the afternoon cleaning out the refrigerator, and cleaning the upstairs while Grace napped and Eric played with her. Grace went back to bed at 7:30 p.m. and I finally started baby-proofing. I got the Lazy-Susan and two cabinets done. Eric's Mom, Brother, and two nieces arrived at 8:30 p.m. Just hung out with them.
Sunday - Got up with Grace and Eric and made pancakes for everyone. We went to church with his mom and my oldest niece. Kyle and Logan stayed home. After we got home I made some macaroni and cheese (the oven kind) and a fruit pizza. Eric grilled burgers and hot dogs and we had a nice dinner. Kyle and Donna had never seen Lord of the Rings, so they pretty much spent all day watching all 3 movies. Yeah. My nieces don't have a bedtime, so when they finally collapsed at around 11 p.m. and I realized I couldn't make it through the third movie, I decided to head upstairs for bed at 12:30 p.m. Eric came up around 1:15 a.m.
Monday - Grace got up at 7:15. Spent a little time visiting with the family. They left around 9:30 a.m. We've spent the rest of the day just hanging out.
So, that was why I didn't post last week. I do realize that I've been lax about updating about all of Grace's achievements. I mentioned she's crawling. She has definately mastered the art of crawling. Her first forward motion was on Friday, by Sunday she could go several feet. And by the end of her first week of mobility, she could pretty much go anywhere she wanted. We also got our second tooth a week ago.
Last week, Grace's major skill has been pulling herself up. She now can easily crawl to any object, grab ahold and stand up. She has now figured out how to move her feet while standing, so she's officially "cruising" or walking around furniture while holding on. It makes her so happy. It's really cute, this weekend she's been practicing sitting down. She'll let go with one hand and turn out to the side, then she bends her knees and plops down to her bottom. No more random falling for her!
Here's a picture of her standing. By the way, this is the more formal living room, this isn't where she usually practices her pulling up. We have a nice wood table with rounded corners that she usually uses.

Ok, tomorrow look for an update on our appointment at Children's Hospital. I'm hoping I'll have a date for Grace's surgery.
Tuesday - Had my appointment and got home around 6:30 p.m. Did the normal routine and studied after watching Big Brother. (Yeah, I'm a reality TV junky).
Wednesday - Had to pick Grace up from daycare, as it was the last day of the month and Eric worked late. Got a migraine almost immediately upon leaving work. Took some Imitrex as soon as Grace and I got home. She fell asleep in the car, so when we got home I layed on my bed with her for about 20 minutes. Eric got home when we got up and took care of her while I layed on the couch and eventually was sick to my stomach. I put Grace to bed at 7:30 and then took a quick bath and was in bed at 7:45 p.m. No studying.
Thursday - Attemped to reschedule exam at 4 p.m., realized I was now within 24 hour window and unable to reschedule. Watched Big Brother while studying. Studied until 11:15 p.m.
Friday - The office closed at noon, but of course I had a big crisis and couldn't leave that early. I stayed until 1:45 p.m. when I had to leave to take my exam. Good thing was that I was just waiting on people at work, rather than working on something myself, so I took a practice exam while waiting after noon. Took my 5th CPCU exam at 2:30 p.m. I'll give myself a 50/50 chance that I passed. I really need to study earlier in the process. I got home around 4 and logged on and did some more work related stuff. Got an e-mail at 4:45 telling me I needed to put together a proposal and letter for the client by the end of the day on Saturday. Got very annoyed. Started cleaning the downstairs, played with Grace. After Grace went to bed, finished cleaning the downstairs and did my proposal and letter for work.
Saturday - Grace slept until 8:30. Left at 10 for shopping. Met Samara at Babies-R-Us, then went to Wal-Mart and the grocery store. Got home around 2:30 p.m. and Grace was very ready for a nap. Spent the rest of the afternoon cleaning out the refrigerator, and cleaning the upstairs while Grace napped and Eric played with her. Grace went back to bed at 7:30 p.m. and I finally started baby-proofing. I got the Lazy-Susan and two cabinets done. Eric's Mom, Brother, and two nieces arrived at 8:30 p.m. Just hung out with them.
Sunday - Got up with Grace and Eric and made pancakes for everyone. We went to church with his mom and my oldest niece. Kyle and Logan stayed home. After we got home I made some macaroni and cheese (the oven kind) and a fruit pizza. Eric grilled burgers and hot dogs and we had a nice dinner. Kyle and Donna had never seen Lord of the Rings, so they pretty much spent all day watching all 3 movies. Yeah. My nieces don't have a bedtime, so when they finally collapsed at around 11 p.m. and I realized I couldn't make it through the third movie, I decided to head upstairs for bed at 12:30 p.m. Eric came up around 1:15 a.m.
Monday - Grace got up at 7:15. Spent a little time visiting with the family. They left around 9:30 a.m. We've spent the rest of the day just hanging out.
So, that was why I didn't post last week. I do realize that I've been lax about updating about all of Grace's achievements. I mentioned she's crawling. She has definately mastered the art of crawling. Her first forward motion was on Friday, by Sunday she could go several feet. And by the end of her first week of mobility, she could pretty much go anywhere she wanted. We also got our second tooth a week ago.
Last week, Grace's major skill has been pulling herself up. She now can easily crawl to any object, grab ahold and stand up. She has now figured out how to move her feet while standing, so she's officially "cruising" or walking around furniture while holding on. It makes her so happy. It's really cute, this weekend she's been practicing sitting down. She'll let go with one hand and turn out to the side, then she bends her knees and plops down to her bottom. No more random falling for her!
Here's a picture of her standing. By the way, this is the more formal living room, this isn't where she usually practices her pulling up. We have a nice wood table with rounded corners that she usually uses.
Ok, tomorrow look for an update on our appointment at Children's Hospital. I'm hoping I'll have a date for Grace's surgery.
The Rest of the Story
I am so sorry about my tardiness in updating about my appointment with the Breast Surgeon and the biopsy. Per my last post, I've been a little stressed and haven't got around to posting.
Tuesday I had an appointment at 5:00 p.m. with a Breast Surgeon. They called me earlier in the day to tell me they had a 4:30 cancellation, so I went earlier (still didn't see the doctor until 5 p.m.). I started to get a bit freaked out in the waiting room as a couple of women were in the waiting room that obviously were cancer patients (they had lost their hair and were wearing hats).
When I saw the doctor she first took my history. She seemed very interested in the fact that I have an 8 1/2 month old. She said that could lead to a cyst or even the hormone changes could accelerate growth in a Fibroadenoma. Then she did an exam and said, "It doesn't feel like cancer." She said cancer is very hard, like a rock.
Next she looked at my films. She said the same thing as the nurse at the radiology lab. She prefers to see egg or oval shaped Fibroadenoma's. She also said that in one view there was a dark shadow by it that she didn't like very much, but another view showed white behind it. She said basically that from my history and exam her guess would be a cellular fibroadenoma, but my ultrasound was throwing her off. She decided to do a FNA (Fine Needle Aspiration) and send the fluid/cells to pathology. She said she hoped she'd get a little old milk.
When she was done, I asked her what she thought. Apparently she didn't get any old milk, because her guess was the fibroadenoma. She said when she tries to get cells from a cancerous tumor it's like trying to scrape a rock. However, regardless of the result she wants to remove it. She said whatever it is, is fast-growing and could be aggrevated by hormonal changes, so it would probably get bigger when I get pregnant again. She scheduled me for surgery to remove it on September 21. When they remove it, they will also send it to be tested again.
I received the pathology results on Thursday afternoon. "Benign, results consistant with Fibroadenoma."
Friday, the nurse from the radiology lab called me. She was glad to hear things were good and told me she was a bit concerned with my ultrasound. However, she kept reminding herself that I'm only 26. See, now they tell me how concerned they were.
Anyway, results were good. Surgery scheduled in about 2 weeks and then this should be over. Thank you for all of your prayers.
Tuesday I had an appointment at 5:00 p.m. with a Breast Surgeon. They called me earlier in the day to tell me they had a 4:30 cancellation, so I went earlier (still didn't see the doctor until 5 p.m.). I started to get a bit freaked out in the waiting room as a couple of women were in the waiting room that obviously were cancer patients (they had lost their hair and were wearing hats).
When I saw the doctor she first took my history. She seemed very interested in the fact that I have an 8 1/2 month old. She said that could lead to a cyst or even the hormone changes could accelerate growth in a Fibroadenoma. Then she did an exam and said, "It doesn't feel like cancer." She said cancer is very hard, like a rock.
Next she looked at my films. She said the same thing as the nurse at the radiology lab. She prefers to see egg or oval shaped Fibroadenoma's. She also said that in one view there was a dark shadow by it that she didn't like very much, but another view showed white behind it. She said basically that from my history and exam her guess would be a cellular fibroadenoma, but my ultrasound was throwing her off. She decided to do a FNA (Fine Needle Aspiration) and send the fluid/cells to pathology. She said she hoped she'd get a little old milk.
When she was done, I asked her what she thought. Apparently she didn't get any old milk, because her guess was the fibroadenoma. She said when she tries to get cells from a cancerous tumor it's like trying to scrape a rock. However, regardless of the result she wants to remove it. She said whatever it is, is fast-growing and could be aggrevated by hormonal changes, so it would probably get bigger when I get pregnant again. She scheduled me for surgery to remove it on September 21. When they remove it, they will also send it to be tested again.
I received the pathology results on Thursday afternoon. "Benign, results consistant with Fibroadenoma."
Friday, the nurse from the radiology lab called me. She was glad to hear things were good and told me she was a bit concerned with my ultrasound. However, she kept reminding herself that I'm only 26. See, now they tell me how concerned they were.
Anyway, results were good. Surgery scheduled in about 2 weeks and then this should be over. Thank you for all of your prayers.
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