Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Ear Infections #3 & #4

Grace wants to help with this one. Here is her contribution...

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Anyway, she went back to the doctor today because her cough from 2 weeks ago stopped getting better when her amoxicillan for her ear infection #2 ran out and is now getting worse again. Apparently she now has a double ear infection. They are trying a different medication. I'm thinking they may not wait another 6 months for tubes in her ears if this keeps up.

Well, I've pushed my luck. Grace is ready for dinner. Got to go.


Taylor said...

Sorry to hear baby girl is sick. My sweetie pie has a stomach bug and hasn't been well for the past four days. We also went to the pedi this morning. Hopefully our little sicklings will get well soon!

Kitten said...

She's a natural blogger! (Hope she gets to feeling better.)