Sunday, May 15, 2005

Update on Me

I'm so far behind on posting about me that I feel like I'm probably missing really important stuff. I'd really like to post about my fantastic weekend, but there have been a couple of other things happen in the recent past that I really should at least mention.

1. My brother is in the US! That's right, he has a 2 week leave and made a surprise visit and arrived in Iowa at my parents house on Tuesday last week. Yes, that's right, just two days after my little family left. Apparently he really tried to make it back before we left, but things just didn't work out. The good news, is that my parents were planning on heading to Indiana next weekend (5/21) to go to my cousins' bridal shower, so if I make it to the shower I'll get to see him and he can meet Grace. Notice I said "if I make it." That brings me to item 2.

2. My best friend is about to have her baby! I'm so excited I could pop! I've been super busy this week, so I haven't talked to her (via phone) for a while, I'll address that in number 3, but I do know that while she didn't dialate any more at her last appointment, the baby has dropped and is at 0 station. Grace didn't drop until after my water broke. I was still between -1 and -2 at my last appointment. As the plan currently stands, I will be allowed in the delivery room for the birth of little "Bean." I can't wait to see if it's a boy or girl and just meet this tiny little person. The only birth I've ever witnessed was Grace's and I can only imagine the experience from this other angle. I've promised to let Will be the one to announce the sex, and I will respect her privacy and stay in her head region. I'm so excited to get the call, although #3 better not interfere.

3. So very, very busy. Work has been killing me. I really think thanks will slow down after my June 1, renewal is wrapped up, but in the mean time I've been slammed. I've been bringing work home most nights, because Eric needs me not to work late all the time, and I did stay at the office until 9:00 p.m. one night last week. My desk is covered in items I've been neglecting and I'm so far behind I really hope I'm right and June will give me time to catch up. I'm sort of over the idea of finding a new job. While some parts of it sound attractive, I also think that where am at, may possibly be the best place right now. However, I do have another "conversation" scheduled with a different company on Thursday, so we'll see what they have to say. I also scheduled a meeting with our head of office to discuss some of my concerns regarding my position in my own company. I wasn't offered a promotion this year, which wouldn't bother me so much if one wasn't given to one of my collegues and I think I'm at least as deserving as her. I think there are alot of office politics and I want to see if there is anything I can do to get around it. Also next week, I have my big renewal presentation on Monday in front of the client CFO and President of North American operations. I have another client meeting scheduled for Tuesday morning (with a client I have never met personnally), and a couple of underwriter meetings on Tuesday and Thursday. So this schedule, plus the option of getting to see my brother this weekend, makes me really hope that baby bean will stay inside one more week. Please!

4. One of my other best friends had a very eventful week too. I'm really, really hoping that the lap cleared things up enough that very soon, she'll be expecting too. Two years is way too long to wait and I just want this to happen before she has to start trying more complicated procedures.

Well, all of this and still no weekend update. Baby is crying (she's bored) and I have to get ready for a softball game, so I'll try to update again tonight.

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