Saturday we had a slow start, but decided to go shopping after the 9:00 bottle. We went to the mall where Grace got a new outfit and so did I (for my birthday). We also picked up my Mother's ring and had lunch. After the mall we headed to Babies R Us, but only ended up buying formula and then Target where we picked up a few more things. After our shopping expidition we were pooped, so we came home and took naps. Then we gave Grace her bottle at about 6:30 p.m. and headed to Champps for my birthday dinner. Luckily we called ahead, so we had a short wait. Grace was slightly fussy towards the end of the meal, but she was just fighting sleep.
Sunday we got up and went to church. I was really excited for Mom to get to visit our church. Unfortunately, Grace was doing the fighting sleep thing again, so I spent the entire service in the hallways and lobby trying to help her on her way. After church we went to Cici's pizza for lunch. Then we went home, fed Grace and took Mom back to the airport. Mom took lots of good pictures, plus we used her camera to get pics of Grace and Grandma. Hopefully she'll e-mail them to me (hint, hint) and I'll post some here. I miss my Mom, but we did have a good visit. We've also picked a date for our next trip to Iowa and Grace's first plane trip. I'm hoping to book tickets this week.
As for the big girl stuff. Grace is now officially in her 3-6 month clothes. I was postponing it, but Mom pointed out many of her clothes, while cute, are getting a bit too small. After the comment, I noticed that everything is a bit stretched now, so after I did the latest load of laundry, I packed away the 0-3 month clothes. It was a bit sad, but I'm still glad she's growing so much.
Grace is also getting much better at head and neck control. She holds her head up all the time now and is getting better at lifting it off the ground during tummy time too. I'm guessing it won't be long before she gets that chest off the ground. See pictures.
Grace can also grab ahold of things now. I don't think she's aiming for anything, but I notice I get my hair pulled alot and she tends to grab my necklace on a daily basis. She'll also hold on if you put something in her hand. Here she is with a rattle. She was shaking it all over, although I don't think she really realized what she was doing.
I think she's almost learned about splashing too. The last couple of baths have resulted in a lot more spillage of water, but again, I don't think she's doing it conciously yet. Soon, very soon, we may be moving the baby bath to the big bathtub instead of on the vanity.
Ok, I just wanted to get this posted, but Eric just got home from bible study. I should go visit with him.
Oh my gosh...that close up of her on her stomach is adorable. She just keeps getting more cute. Thanx for posting pics!
Loved the pics of Grace! She's such a cutie!!
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