Thursday, March 24, 2005

Still Here

Sorry for the lack of posts.

Work has been crazy. I've already worked 39 hours this week with another day to go. (That's alot with a baby at home).

Grace hasn't been sleeping. Sunday night she was up 6 times before 2 a.m. Monday up 4 times by 1 a.m. As a result, I've done every night shift since last Thursday, as Grace has spent most nights in bed with me. Unfortunately, sleeping in my bed hasn't kept her from waking up, so even though I'm not "getting up" I've had very interrupted sleep.

I've got lots to post about and more cute pictures, but I can hardly keep my eyes open, so I'm going to bed.

One more thing. I got a package yesterday from a un-recognized name and address in Iowa full of adorable baby clothes. Looks like an e-bay shipment. Thank you to whoever got Grace some new clothes!

A better update this weekend, I promise.

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