More Pics from Weekend with Grandma
Mom got my hint and sent me some pictures. Here are some highlights.
And just to make Eric mad...

For you non-football followers. This is a Tom Brady jersey. He's the quarterback for the Patriots. Eric hates Tom Brady and the Patriots, since he love Payton Manning and the Colts and the Patriots keep preventing the Colts from going to the Superbowl.
This Weekend
I know I mentioned my amazing night of sleep, but what about the rest of the weekend you ask? It was very nice thank you. After my great night of sleep, my husband coninued to be an angel and watched Grace most of the day, so I could go to the mall with Samara. We did a bit of shopping although I only bought clothes for Grace and then we had pedicures. It was so nice to have some "alone" time. Later that afternoon, when I came home, I took Grace and went shopping for Samara's shower gift (from all the girls). I thought Eric could use some "alone" time too. While I was out I also bought Grace an "Exersaucer." It's so cool. Eric decided to put it together that night. We did sit her in it before reading the directions that babies should be able to sit unsupported before using it. So we took her out and will have to wait a bit longer before it gets use.
Sunday was a nice day. Grace sort of napped during church, although she spent most of the time fighting it. It worked out nice though because after we got home and had lunch (and a bottle) Grace and I napped together. We layed down around 12:30, she fell asleep close to 1:00. I got up at 2:30 and she continued sleeping until 3:45 p.m. Eric took advantage of that time to go to BW3's with Martin and watch some college basketball.
Here's a picture from this weekend hanging out with Daddy.
Grace's Amazing Development
Grace changes almost daily. I can't believe how much she's developing. I'm loving every minute. Here are some new acomplishments:
- She laughs when Daddy tickles her. It's funny because it almost sounds like a growl. We call her a little tiger.
- She's definately reaching for things now. Sometimes it's your face, sometimes it's the things on the bouncy seat, and sometimes the bears on the mobile above the changing table, but she's trying.
- Yesterday, while in her swing, I put the baby keys and rattle on the swing tray. All by herself, she picked up the keys and shook them around for a while. We were amazed. Then she dropped them, but picked them back up. Wow.
- Today she has decided that crying gets our attention, so she made up a fake cry. It's like she knows what crying sounds like, so she just makes the sound on purpose. We just stared at her and then she grinned. I think it's part of her "babbling" stage. She just makes the noise, but it isn't near as loud as her real cry and you can tell in her face that she doesn't mean it. So funny.
Today's Drama
This morning we woke up with no heat. I noticed I felt colder than normal and then Eric noticed it too. We looked at the thermostat and it said it was 58 degrees. Yep, that's cold. We kicked the temp up to 90 degrees and it still didn't kick on. We called and had someone come out today. The igniter and a little fan was broken, so we paid our $167 and they fixed it. I was sort of glad it was a real problem and not something stupid. A friend at work mentioned that you are supposed to change a filter in the furnace. We haven't done that in the 3 years we've lived here...until today. Luckily, that wasn't the problem or I would have felt really stupid.
Did I Mention?
Grace had her first ear infection? I know I'd mentioned that we'd been sick around here. Last Tuesday or Wednesday I called the doctor to make her 4 month appointment and while on the phone asked the nurse about her cough, since she'd been coughing for 3 weeks. She had us come in that afternoon and rather than just the cold I'd been expecting we found out she had an ear infection. She's on Amoxicillan for 10 days, but luck for us, Wal-Mart is running a promotion and in March Amoxicillan is free!
1 comment:
AWWWWWWWWWWW! She's so expressive in these pictures. I cannot wait to hear her laugh!
Miss you too!
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