Wednesday, June 23, 2004

Loving Pregnancy

I feel like I’ve been neglecting my blog lately. I know I’ve been doing my weekly updates, but I don’t really feel I’ve been saying much about me. To make excuses, I’ve been super busy at work with no sign of things letting up. My brain works best during the 9 to 5 hours, so I don’t have a whole lot left to give when I get home. Today, I’m eating lunch at my desk, and while I’m eating, I’m typing. I don’t want my pregnancy to slip away without capturing my feelings at every stage.

I think I’m in the honeymoon stage. I currently love being pregnant. Most of the negative side effects are gone (queasiness, extreme fatigue, constipation,) and I’m still far enough from the end to not be worried yet, about delivery or what to do when the baby comes home. Although, I did feel a twinge of heartburn two days ago. I still get tired, but definitely have more energy. Monday night I stayed up until 12:30 a.m. to finish reading a book (titled “Good in Bed” and recommended by my girlfriends). A side note on that, no one warned me that there would be a subject involved that is very close to my heart and then when I broke into tears with several chapters to go and already 45 minutes past my bed time, that I would have to stay up until I finished it!

I also am very happy with what’s going on with my body. I am beginning to feel incredibly sexy. I know that sounds bizarre as I’m getting bigger, but it’s so different than “gaining weight”. My chest is bigger and my belly is growing, but it is just taking on this wonderful round, full shape. It’s not exactly hard, but the shape doesn’t remind me of what I look like when I put on weight. I also think if it weren’t for the belly, it’s possible I would be losing weight right now. My legs are getting thinner and therefore I feel like my lower body looks awesome. I also am completely comfortable in all of my clothes with no waistbands digging into my skin or love handles overflowing, so I don’t feel “fat”. I just look down and see the roundness of my stomach, but I don’t forget why it’s there. I’m sure in months to come, I’ll start to feel differently as the inevitable weight gain occurs and possibly redistributes to not-so-welcome places, but for now, I’m happy.

I’m also thinking a lot about the baby. It’s so hard for me to believe how big it must be inside me. It’s probably in the 4 inch category right now. Get out your ruler and look at how long that is…go ahead, I’ll wait. I guess it’s hard for me to picture, when I still can’t feel it. I think about that a lot too. At night, before I go to bed, I listen to the baby. It’s very active at night, I can here the bubble noises through the Doppler. Maybe I’ll download them for you. When I hear it move, I try very hard to feel it, but still nothing. I’ve done some research and figure at the very early end, I could feel it by 18 weeks. I hope so. I can’t wait to be reminded that’s it’s there, just waiting and growing. I’m also looking forward to possibly finding out the sex next month. Although, I also think I’d be ok not knowing. I just feel bad writing “it.” Honestly, I usually refer to it as “he,” I don’t want to give the baby a complex if it turns out to be a girl though, so I feel I should find out what it is.

Ok, work calls. If I get a chance, I’d like to post again on questions for the doctor next week. Feel free to leave any in the comment area if you can think of anything. I’ll try to write again soon.


Kitten said...

That post was awesome! I was sooo wanting to ask you how you were feeling, but I didn't know if I'd be pestering. These posts are really going to be cherished by your child when she's older.

Also, my god, my apologies for not warning you about Good In Bed. I didn't even think about it. Did you like it otherwise? Read "In Her Shoes" next.

Love ya-Miz. Foy

Jennifer said...

By the way, I did like the book, even when it made me cry and stay up too late. Eric saw me reading it and thought it was more about what the title refers to, I started to tell him the plot and he quickly lost interest. I, however, thought it was great.