Last weekend we spent the weekend in Indiana visiting family. Eric worked a little on Saturday, so we didn't get to leave until almost 11 a.m. We went to Eric's brothers for the day and had a cookout. Eric's Mom and friend came down too, so we got to spend some time with them. We spent the night Saturday night. Sunday morning we drove up to my Grandparents house for another cookout. My parents came over from Iowa and we got to spend Sunday with my family. There ended up being about 13 people and 4 dogs there at one point. We spent the night Sunday and then drove home Monday morning.
Tuesday, was back to work and I got a lot done. We had to tie up some loose ends as my boss was going to be out for a week as his wife was being induced and the baby coming on Wednesday. Wednesday was also business as usual, and Pete never called with baby news.
Thursday morning we finally got a call that the baby was born just after midnight. They had a boy. I had to leave work around 11 a.m. as I had volunteered to work at our Corporate hospitality tent at The Memorial Tournament (professional golf). Right before I left, my friend Kristin, told me that a woman in my office had been laid off and she had heard there were more to come. We joked about whether we'd see each other the next day. Right after I made it to the tournament, I got a call on my cell phone from another woman in the office asking if Kristin was with me. Apparently 8 people had been let go and no one could find Kristin. I called her cell phone and confirmed the news. She was one of the eight. Fortunately I was not, but it's still a bit of a morale deflater that some more people are gone. On a lighter note, Thursday night, Eric and I went to the movies with our neighbors and saw Troy. It was better than I expected, so I was overall pleased. I also officially wore maternity clothes that look like maternity clothes for the first time in public.
Don't I look cute?
Friday was weird at work. I spent a good portion of the time trying to figure out how to help clients that were now without a service team. One client has my boss, Kristin, and a CE who was also released, none of them are around now. I had scheduled summer hours though, so I went ahead and left at noon and got my hair done.
Saturday, Eric and I went shopping. First we took my car by the body shop to have them order parts, so we can get started on repairs soon. We also stopped at Best Buy for some software to help us out with our Spyware/Adware problem. The initial scan showed 152 threats on our computer. Eric got a new pair of tennis shoes. And we shopped for baby furninture. It's harder than I expected. The store we picked furniture out in last time has went out of business. We found a crib we liked at Baby Depot in Burlington Coat Factory for $299, but there wasn't any matching furniture like a dresser or changing table. Babies R Us didn't lead me to anything I loved. We also went to a non-chain type store called My Own Room. We found a crib and dresser there that I love (we'd still have to get a stand alone changing table), but the pieces were $559 each. Don't get me wrong, it's quality furninture, plus the bed is convertible to a toddler and full size bed. The dresser would last forever too. I just don't know if I'm ready to spend quite that much on infant furniture. When I got home (after my nap of course), I did some online shopping. I found a crib/dresser/and changer that I like on a website for about $810 total. I just am not sure if stuff is as nice as it looks online and if I trust spending that much money on a site that I've never heard of before I started searching. The last option is E-bay. It sounds a little crazy, but a message board that I read mentioned the seller's name and said good things about it. I checked out the options and can get the exact same crib/dresser/changer I found at the online store for $775 including shipping. I just don't know what to do. At least I'm researching, but it would be easier if the stuff that's cheaper was at a store here in town and I could just order in person. At about 10:30 p.m. Eric and I went to the neighbors to play Euchre. We were up until almost 1 a.m.
Sunday (today) been kind of lazy. We did go to church this morning and then to lunch with Martin and April. I just got up from a nap and thought I'd update. There a huge pile of laundry in the bedroom calling me and I've got to get to the grocery store. I have actually ran out of bottled water! Ok, I'm going to write another post about the baby update now.
1 comment:
You definately look cute!
Don't worry about what people think of your wearing maternity clothes too early. I think it's all about comfort!
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