Thursday, December 01, 2005


I stole this from some friends and thought it would be fun.

•A is for age: 26
•B is for birthday: March 1 (I changed this question to better suit my readership)
•C is for career: I work for a large commercial insurance brokerage for now, hopefully a medical career in my future
•D is for your dad's name: Buddy (technically, Joseph)
•E is for essential items to bring to a party: Food!
•F is for favorite song at the moment: can't think of one at the moment. I like lots of top 40 stuff, but lean more towards hip hop
•G is for favorite game: Football to watch, Euchre to play
•H is for hometown: C'ville, Indiana
•I is for instruments you play: used to play Saxaphone
•J is for jam or jelly you like: Strawberry on Toast or Grape on PBJ
•K is for kids: 1, Grace
•L is for living arrangements: Single Family home with husband, daughter, dog and cat
•M is for mom's name: Janet
•N is for name of your crush: Vin Diesel and Eminem
•O is for overnight hospital stays: My own birth and Grace's birth
•P is for phobias: Crickets
•Q is for quotes you like: "I love lamp." "I'm riding a furry tractor." - from Anchorman
•R is for relationship that lasted the longest: Husband - 6 years and counting
•S is for sexual preference: I'm a one man kind of woman
•T is for time you wake up: Workdays – 6:30 - 7:00 am (depending on how many times I hit the snooze, Weekends: around 8:00 a.m. (depending on how long Grace will sleep)
•U is for underwear: Yes
•V is for vegetable you love: Peas or restaurant asparagus (never liked it when I've made it)
•W is for weekend plans: finish the Christmas shopping!
•X is for x-rays you've had: Foot and Teeth and full body Bone Scan - If you count CTs - Lungs, Abdomen, Pelvis, Head (Sinuses) and MRIs - Breast and Brain
•Y is for yummy food you make: German Chocolate Cake Cookies, Chicken and Noodles, Yeast Rolls
•Z is for zodiac sign: Pisces

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