We've made some plans for this week. First of all, we are cancelling our trip to Philadelphia. Samara, Ava, Grace and I were going to go visit Samara's sister and go shopping this weekend. However, with this new development, plus the fact that her sister's fiance hasn't had chicken pox, we're not going. Eric spoke to his boss and is taking Monday off work. I'll go in and explain things to my boss. I'll take Tuesday off and then half days the rest of the week. Then Grandpa Gary is coming to save the day. Eric's Dad is going to drive over Tuesday night and stay until Friday. He's going to take care of her the rest of the week. To make it a little easier on him, I'll do half days so he won't have to watch her for 3 whole days, but he'll be on his own most of Wednesday. I'll take the morning off that day, because I need to get my bloodwork done, but I won't be home to do a whole lot. I also spoke to my oncologist and he assured me that I am not at any additional risk as my chicken pox antibodies have been there a long time and shouldn't be affected by the chemo.
Here are some pictures from Thankgiving and the chicken pox.
First of all, this is a requested picture of Grace walking yesterday morning.
This is Grace finishing up her Thanksgiving dinner.
While most of it made it into her mouth, the floor got a good deal of Grace's dinner too.
Here is Ava with her sweet potatos.
This is where I was going to put a picture of the girls in the bath, but I just viewed it and realized it shows more of Ava than I feel comfortable putting on the Internet. Especially, since she doesn't belong to me, I shouldn't be putting naked baby pictures of other people's babies on the Internet. Trust me though, it was really a cute picture.
And finally, this picture taken around noon today shows Grace still trying to be happy despite those nasty chicken pox.
Oh, poor little Grace! She's all spotted up! Hope she feels better soon.
POOR Monkey!!!! I think with the sheer power of her cuteness she will defeat this chickenpox badness in no time!
That last picture makes me want to tickle under her chin. CUTE!
Poor baby girl! I know that must be rough on her. Atleast she's getting it over with at an early age though :)
In your last post (or maybe the one before that) you said you were sending real food with Grace to daycare everyday. I was wondering what all you are giving her? I am trying to make the same transition with Tristyn but I'm just not creative in the food department! LOL!
Hope you are doing well...I keep you in my prayers.
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