So precious! I can't wait to see her in person in only a few weeks! I can't believe it's so close! Speaking of... I will probably need directions again. I can't seem to find the ones you gave me before.
Something weird happened after we talked, last night on the train the person next to me was reading a book on "Am I spoiling my child too much by holding her alot?" The answer, NO. Weird how the world synchs up, eh?
My name is Jennifer. I became a daughter 29 years ago and a wife 7 years ago.
In June 2003, Eric and I decided that we would like to become parents. Shortly thereafter, we were pregnant. Eight weeks later, I began this blog to help my family and friends keep up with my pregnancy. Unfortunately, that pregnancy was only with me for two more weeks before I was diagnosed with a "missed miscarriage."
In November 2003 we decided to try again. We were eventually successful. Grace was born December 12, 2004 and I became a mother.
September 23, 2005 I was diagnosed with breast cancer and decided this blog was a good place to write about that fight too. Sitting here three years later, I can call myself a survivor.
After 2 years of being cancer free we were blessed with another pregnancy. Our son Luke was born on May 7, 2008 and I again became a mother.
I hope others enjoy reading, but this blog is for me. I never know what I will become next, but I know it will be a journey. And whatever I become, I will wear it like a badge of honor.
how, congrats
how, congrats
So precious! I can't wait to see her in person in only a few weeks! I can't believe it's so close! Speaking of... I will probably need directions again. I can't seem to find the ones you gave me before.
Something weird happened after we talked, last night on the train the person next to me was reading a book on "Am I spoiling my child too much by holding her alot?" The answer, NO. Weird how the world synchs up, eh?
She's gorgeous toots. Absolutely gorgeous!
She's so precious! Congrats again, Jennifer. I've been thinking of you!
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