Sunday, September 10, 2006


Thought I'd share some recent results.

First of all, just today I checked and they have posted the final grades from the Summer Quarter at school. I GOT AN A! This is such a relief. I really worked hard this quarter, so it's nice to know that it paid off. Now just 10 days until the Autumn quarter starts where I'll be taking my final quarter of General Chemistry and my first quarter of Biology. We'll see if I can handle two classes at the same time.

Secondly, on August 29th I had my results appointment with the Cancer Genetics counselor. I tested negative for both the BRCA 1 & BRCA 2 genes. After taking some time to process, this really is a good thing. For me personally, it means that I do not have any greater risk than the general population for Ovarian Cancer (2% lifetime risk). This means that there will be no reason that I should need to have my ovaries removed for prevention sake. For Grace, it means that I don't have a genetic mutation to pass on. If I did pass on a genetic mutation, her risk would have been 35-85% to get breast cancer. Now, it's probably still higher than the general population (just because I got it at such a young age), but it's not a near certainty. For the rest of my family, there will be no further testing or other family members to warn. The downside to the negative result is that they still have no idea why I got cancer. I've decided I don't care so much. I'm still doing the treatment thing, but I'm moving on. Doesn't matter why I got it, we treated it, and now it's over. If it comes back I'll deal with it then, but in the meantime, I've got a life to live.

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