Thursday evening Samara and I hit the road just after 6 p.m. Unfortunately, I had a bit of a headache, but I suffered through and we made to Erica's at about 9:30 p.m. Indiana time. We watched Survivor that Erica TiVo'd as we do every year at Erica's house. We didn't stay up too late. Since Samara is 8 months pregnant, Erica and Eric gave up their bed and I shared it with her, so I slept awesome all weekend.
Friday morning we got up at a reasonable town and went out to breakfast. We decided to stay in our PJs and went to Target shopping. I got Grace a couple of 9-12 month outfits that were on sale. We had lunch at Moe's which is a up-scale fast food Mexican place. After that we went to the pottery painting place. That's one of my favorite activities. After pottery we headed back to the house to shower and get ready for dinner. We dressed up a bit and had Italian at La Scala. Very yummy. After dinner we went home and just hung out until bedtime.
Saturday we got up and again had breakfast out. We came home for a little while and then headed to the mall for a couple of hours. Again, Grace got a couple of outfits on sale. For dinner on Saturday, we cooked at home and it was awesome! We've decided that we think it will become a new tradition. Saturday evening was full of just visiting, and after dinner we watched some exercise videos and realized we need to work on that in the future (at least I did).
Today we got up early and headed home. We made great time and got back into Columbus at around 11:30 a.m. Grace missed me, so I spent most of the day holding her. I swear she grew up while I was gone. For the most part she was good for Eric, but I think she missed me and today has sort of been acting like she doesn't feel good. I think she may be teething. Her cheeks are all red and hot and she's drooling tons, plus she's been a bit fussy. More update on her in a minute.
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