Sometimes I feel like time is just slipping through my fingers. I feel guilty about not updating here more often (remember I've been incredibly busy), but when I get a chance to update, I feel guilty for leaving my daughter.
She is amazing. I never could have really imagined the joy that she brings me. While it took a little while, I'm finally coming into my own and getting comfortable with the title "Mom."
A quick developmental update.
- I think she weighs somewhere in the neighborhood of 15 pounds right now.
- She's already getting close to outgrowing some of her 3-6 month clothes.
- We're in Size 2 diapers with Size 3's waiting in the closet (starting at 16 pounds).
- The rolling wasn't a fluke as she'll do it pretty quickly during tummy time.
- Sometimes she acts like she's trying to roll over the other way, but we haven't quite got there yet.
- She's started being "happy" when she wakes up. Even at 3 a.m. she'll lay in bed and talk and coo for 15 minutes or so before crying for you to come and get her (sometimes she'll even fall back asleep).
- Today after her nap I came into the room to find her with her feet in her hands.
- We're still not sleeping all night, but going back to bed with Mommy and a pacifier can delay the bottle until 6 a.m. or later.
- Grace is getting a slightly flat spot on the back of her head that drives her Dad crazy. He's convinced she's going to be permanantly damaged and he does everything he can to get her to turn her head the other way when on her back.
- She grabs everything she can get her hands on and has just recently started putting things in her mouth.
- We pull her to a sitting position often and have just started to pull her to standing. When we do that she puts weight on her little legs and gets a huge smile on her face.
Here are a couple of my favorite things about this stage.
- Grace's big smile when I talk to her.
- The way her Daddy makes her laugh.
- Her soft hair on my cheek.
- Grace's big eyes and her "serious face."
- The way she rolls onto her side to cuddle with me when we sleep together.
- We can't go out in public without someone commenting on how cute she is.
It's crazy how fast she's growing up. I love it, of course. I wasn't all that great at the newborn stage, but at the same time, I'm slightly afraid that I'll miss something or forget. It also makes me sad that my parents can't see it all. We're flying out to see them in a month, but I can't imagine what she'll be doing then. She'll be fun to play with I'm sure, but they are missing the stuff she's learning about now. I probably shouldn't even be writing this (Don't cry Mom!). I guess I just miss them too.
Ok, I hear Grace crying upstairs, so maybe I should check on Eric and see if they are doing alright. I'll see if I can do a better job at posting this week. Work should slow down a bit. This weekend I get to see the girls for Samara's baby shower. I can't wait!