Friday, April 04, 2008

From the Mouth of Babes

So, after Grace has her worst day ever at Amy's House (the new sitter), including lying, spitting in her hands and wiping it on the carpet while in time out, multiple fits in timeout, talking back, etc., Eric's punishment for her when she came home was no TV at all tonight.

So, we're sitting at the table as a family for dinner and Grace is chatting up a storm (makes me think we should really try to eat at the table all the time). Anyway, Eric says, "Why are you so stinking cute?"

Grace's answer? "When poop comes out of your butt it is stinky. Then I go upstairs and put on a dress for church and I am very beautiful."

So she told us when she is stinky and when she is cute. They are so literal at this age. I don't want to forget all these cute things she says now.

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Too funny!