Thursday, February 14, 2008

25 Week Photo Shoot

25 Week Photo Shoot
Originally uploaded by Jenmomma
I know it's been a while and I haven't officially taken any more "belly" pictures, but last weekend Danialle did a mini-photo shoot for me and we got this one. It doesn't show the side profile shot, but it's much prettier and classier than my typical shots, so I think I'll share.

This month has been so busy. School has been picking back up (only 1 more month until after baby). Work is entering my busiest time of the year and dealing with a 3-year old has my hands full.

On top of that I got a really bad upper respitory virus that lingered for about 2 weeks. I knew I was getting sick, so I went to my primary care doctor, but think I went a day early. Because it was a virus they couldn't prescribe any antibiotics and because I was pregnant, they limited me to Robitussun. I also had a really high pulse (130), so they told me to stay away from Sudafed which can be a stimulant. I took the next day off work and was so icky feeling that I had to stop to catch my breath just walking from the living room to the kitchen. I was wheezing to catch my breath and coughing something awful. I was running low on Robitussin, so I went to the pharmacy to get more and used the blood pressure machine and found my pulse was still high at 135! I called my doctor's office again to tell them I was worse and about my pulse and they told me to go to the ER! So another $75 later I was told that it was still a virus, but they decided to go ahead and prescribe me a stronger cough medicine and a decongestant. They weren't in the safest pregnancy category, but I think a small risk was better than the way I was feeling. I took another day off work and finally went back the third day although my cough and stuffy nose lasted another week and a half.

Last weekend I had a GWO at Heather's. It was heavenly. I think I really needed a break from Grace who has really been testing the limits, including getting up extremely early or multiple times a night. I feel like she's trying to get us ready for the baby, but I don't know that we need any extra practice! Anyway, none of us had much money to spend, so it was a really low key weekend. I got just after 9 p.m. and we chatted for a bit before we hit the sack. Heather had to work in the morning and I had a 9:30 a.m. conference call that I couldn't get out of, so I went to Heather's work with her to make the call. Once we got back, Danialle set up for a photo shoot. Most of the pictures were of Erica who was looking for a nice Valentine's present for her husband, but we took a couple of pregnant poses of me. I think I get my full photo shoot in Chicago at our March GWO. After we wrapped up the picture taking, we were hungry, so we had an early dinner at Applebee's and then went to a couple stores before heading home to organize our coupons (yes, that's lame, but I swear we enjoyed ourselves). We also played a late into the night game of dominos which I won.

On Saturday, Heather made us breakfast and then after we all dressed, we went to a movie. We saw P.S. I Love You which was a total chick flick and many tears were shed, but it was wonderful to actually sit in a theater. We got ice cream on the way home and then got ready for a "surprise" party/get together that Heather planned for the evening. Nick grilled us some of Heather's gormet burgers. A couple of Heather's other friends came buy for the party. It was really fun, I won't give all the details, but you had to be at least 18 to buy any products and the products could be used alone or with a partner...
After the party, we broke in Heather's new Karoke machine (trust me, I didn't sing), but once we found out we could watch music videos off of Erica's I-pod on the TV, we had a living room dance party trying to imitate the videos. It was fun and burned some calories. Sunday we all went home.

This week I had my 25 1/2 week doctor appointment. I had to do my glucose tolerance test which I do not have results on yet. I also had a couple questions this time. I asked about traveling because I have been trying to schedule lots of meetings for work for March and April and need to figure out how far and by what mode of transportation is safe. I also asked for some details as far as keeping an eye on the baby size and the possibility of early induction. The plan is to do an ultrasound at 32 weeks to get an idea of size. If he's at all more than average, we'll do another at 36 weeks and if he looks big, we'll probably induce about a week before my due date. I'm not sure that will help a whole lot since Grace came on her own 6 days early and was still 8 pounds 11 ounces, but we'll see how it goes. I have gained 14 pounds, he's head down at the moment, heart rate around 150, and I still have great blood pressure.

We've officially decided his name is Luke. He is an active baby and is now in a familiar position. His little feet kick me on my upper right side, just like Grace always did. It's starting to feel really real now. Once we get our tax money (hopefully another week or so), I'll get to buy the stuff for his room and I think that will help it set in. I really haven't bought anything. Also, my March is already getting completely booked with work stuff, so I think that month will fly by and suddenly I'll be 7 months pregnant. Wow, this is going too fast.


Tomika said...

It IS going by fast! You look great...

Lisa said...

Your pic is beautiful, very classy!

I LOVE the name Luke (I think I told ya that before!) That was our 2nd choice boy name - who knows, we may be able to use it if we have another boy!

Have fun setting up your little guy's room! Are you doing a theme?

Take care!