Monday, January 01, 2007

Merry Christmas!

Santa's Helpers
Originally uploaded by Jenmomma.
So, I'm a little tardy, but I wanted to do our Christmas post. More pictures in Flickr.

We had a very nice Christmas and we aren't quite done. We still have Christmas with my parents when we go to Iowa for a 5 day visit in just 2 weeks.

Last Friday, my office closed early (1 pm) and Eric called to say he could get off work by 3 p.m. I hurried home, finished the laundry, packed our bags, loaded the car so when Eric and Grace came home, we could hit the road. We drove to Terre Haute and stayed with Eric's Mom. We got in early enough to visit for a bit, and also hung out Saturday morning. Grace even helped with some holiday baking (picture in Flickr). Donna left with Larry (her boyfriend) around noon to head to his families and we put Grace down for a nap. After naptime we drove over to Eric's Dad's to visit and have Christmas. Visiting was very good. Kyle, Leslie, Ashton, Logan and David came too.

Just a side note, I don't want to get into all the details because it isn't our story, but David is my nephew. He's Kyle's son from a previous relationship, although Kyle just learned about him recently. He's 14 years old and seems to be a great kid, so we're embracing him as a new part of the family.

Lots of presents were exchange. Grace got some clothes, a Little People Preschool, and 2 new movies. Eric got some work clothes and a leather Colt's jacket. I got a jewelry box, picture frame clock, and a Bath & Body Works gift card. After eating and exchanging presents, we left to drive to Kyle and Leslies to spend the night.

Donna met us there and after putting the littlest girls to bed, we visited some more and watched some TV. Sunday morning (Christmas Eve), we got up relatively early and opened more presents mostly from Donna. Grace got an American Girl Itty Bitty Twin from Kyle, Leslie, and the girls. Donna got her the matching outfit. It's adorable, so I think next week I'm going to get her 2 year pictures taken with the doll and in the outfit. Grace got some other toys, some clothes, and more candy than we knew what to do with. I got some golf accessories, balls, a ball retreiver, and a practice putting green. Eric got a Colts rug/floor mat and cash. After gifts, we headed to Cracker Barrel for breakfast. It was extremely busy, so we were there for a long time. We came home visited a bit more, Eric watched the Colt's game and then we had a light dinner before hitting the road. We ended up getting home around 8:30 p.m.

Monday morning, Christmas Day we got up when Grace woke up around 7:30 a.m. I think Grace had enough presents because after opening 2 presents, she started asking for cereal and Nemo. We tried to get her to eat her cereal on the coffee table by the tree, but no luck. So, we let her watch Nemo in the front room and Eric and I opened our gifts. I got a couple of sweaters, a pair of dress pants, a new bra and some underwear from Victoria's Secret, a beautiful jewelry box, and a hybrid back-3 club, and sand wedge (golf clubs). Eric got an I-Pod Nano including the "survival kit" that had various chargers and car accessories, dress pants, 2 dress shirts and 2 ties. After we finished opening we took Grace's presents in the front room and opened them while she watched TV. Grace got a small kitchen, a tea party kit, dress up shoes and a purse, the Little People circus, and Elmo Goes Potty DVD. Also some PJs and a sweater. Her big gift from Daddy was a fish tank (pictures in Flickr). We just set up the tank before Christmas and got the fishies the day after. She loves them.

This last week was extremely productive at work. So many people (including my clients) were on vacation, my phone hardly rang and I got lots of work done. It was awesome. Next week back to reality, including school. Organic Chemistry starts on Tuesday.

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