Monday, January 01, 2007

And A Happy New Year!

Just returned from our New Year's travels. We drove to Danialle's on Saturday after Eric finished at work and then drove up on New Year's Eve to Erica's for a loy-key evening at home. Saturday Danialle made us meat-eaters some steaks along with mashed potatos and a big salad. After we put Grace to bed, we watched a movie and then hit the sack. Sunday morning we got up, Danialle made breakfast then I showered and dressed while one of Grace's moview was watched. Then we headed to Wal-Mart for a few items. By then it was about lunch time so we picked up lunch before heading home, packing up and heading up to E & E's. When we got there, the guys decided to go to BW3's for a bit and watch the first 1/2 of the Colt's game. Then they picked up some pizza for dinner on the way home. After dinner and putting Grace to bed, we played "Scene It", 3 games with Danialle and Chadd winning each time, followed by about 1/2 of a Trivial Pursuit game. By the time the clock struck midnight, we were all ready to head to bed.

This morning Grace slept until about 8:45 (heaven!), and then we got up packed the car and headed to IHOP for a group breakfast. Then we came home and have been hanging out ever since.

Now the real reason for the post. My 2007 Resolutions! I've included the resolutions from last year and how I did, and the new resolutions for 2007.

1.) 2006: Lose 20 pounds
2007: Done! I actually lost closer to 30 if you count from my highest cancer weight. I'd like to lose another 10 this year.

2.) 2006: Plan meals weekly.
2007: Not so good at this last year. I'd like to give it a try again. It helps me eat better and save money!

3.) 2006: Exercise (by March 1, I'd like to be back up to the old BFL exercise plan)
2007: Not even close. Too busy with school. This year I'd like to try to do the Pilates DVD's 2 days per week.

4.) 2006: Drink 4 to 5 bottle of water daily - At first I'll still allow myself Coke as long as I get all my water in. Then we'll be phasing out those drinks.
2007: Not very good at this. Did switch from Coke to Diet Coke. New goal, only 1 Diet Coke per day until after I drink at least 4 bottles of water.

5.) 2006: Update Diet Blog weekly.
2007: Nope. Not going to continue this one. Too busy with school.

6.) 2006: Don't get any additional diseases or life-threatening illnesses.
2007: Done! More of the same.

7.) 2007: Cook a healthy meal at home on non-school week-nights (3 days per week).

8.) 2007: Get clearance from doctor to begin trying to get pregnant by end of the year.

1.) 2006: Stay within monthly budget
2007: Didn't even track it. I'd like to redo a 2007 budget and try again.

2.) 2006: Only eat lunch out once per week
2007: Nope. Have an agreement with the girls at work for 2 lunches out per week (client engagements don't count).

3.) 2006: Stop using credit cards
2007: No comment.

4. 2007: Reduce total debt (credit cards, student loans, etc.) by $10,000.

1.) 2006: Take 4 prerequisite courses for med school
2007: Done. Same for this year. Add, get A's in all!

2. 2006: Take 2 CPCU courses
2007: Done. This year, Take 1 CPCU course to complete requirement.

3. 2006: Read 4 books for fun.
2007: I can't remember, but probably not. Going to skip this one, school keeps me too busy.

4. 2007: Research various medical schools and requirements for admission.

5. 2007: Purchase study materials or sign up for a class to prepare to take the MCAT in April 2008.

1.) 2006: Do bible study daily
2007: Fell off after a couple of months. New goal, 3 days per week.

2.) 2006: Update and pray over prayer list daily
2007: Same as above, new goal 3 days per week.

3.) 2006: Memorize a verse each week
2007: Didn't do. Not going to keep as a 2007 goal.

4.) 2006: Tithe according to commitment made to church
2007: Done. Increased commitment for 2007.

5.) 2006: Get involved in some type of group study
2007: Not done. I'll keep my eyes open for a good time, but with school I have lots of conflicts.

Personal Development
1.) 2006: Get a new hair style (just joking!)
2007: Done! No need to renew.

2.) 2006: E-mail a friend each week that I don't already communicate with on a weekly basis
2007: Not done. Too hard to keep up at home with school commitments.

3.) 2006: Send birthday, anniversary and other cards
2007: Not as good as I hoped, so we'll try again.

4.) 2006: Join Young Survivor Coalition or other breast cancer group
2007: Officially yes, but I haven't attended any meetings.

5.) 2006: Review progress at 6 months
2007: Done, do it again.

6.) 2007: Be/feel more Sexy. Starting with shaving the legs twice a week and no cotton underwear except for 1 week per month.

7.) 2007: Update blog at least 1 time per week. I feel like I've been missing out lately, so I want to try harder to keep this updated.

I hope you all have a wonderful 2007 and try to make this year better than the last.

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