Tuesday, September 23, 2008

3 Years Ago

Three years ago today, I got a call that would change my life.

All things being said, I can't complain. Today, I am healthy (just waiting on Dr. L to confirm tomorrow at my check-up). I've moved on with my life. I even had another baby since that fateful day when I didn't know if it would ever happen.

My treatments are a distant memory and thinking back I just remember all the good things that have came out of it and how much I think I've improved as a human being. To be honest, most days cancer doesn't even enter my mind. And that's a good thing for me.

That being said, I hope I learned what I needed to from cancer. I'd rather not do it again.

Three years cancer free. Let's shoot for another sixty.


Lisa said...

Hooray on being three years cancer free! Thank God you are healthy & those dark days are behind you. You have such a wonderful outlook & spirit! I really admire your strength.

Crystal said...

Thank you for the picture of Luke. He's so cute! I'm getting Leon's 3 yr pictures taken soon. He's got a rash on his face now and I want to wait until it's all gone so it doesn't show up. Hopefully it goes away soon. I'll send you pictures of him and Noah once he gets here. Less than 3 weeks and counting!!!

Anonymous said...

I thank God for every one of those cancer free days. The verse I claimed for you is still as true today and with what you are going through. He knows the plans He has for you. Plans to help and not harm you. Plans for a hope and a future. I can't wait to see what the next sixty years bring for you. I love you! Mom