Sunday, July 27, 2008

4 In a Row

I'm not trying to jinx us, but the last 4 nights in a row, I have put Luke in his bed awake and he has fallen asleep on his own (without crying). It's so awesome. This was our ultimate goal, but I expected several nights of crying like we had with Grace and I didn't expect to start the sleep training until he was at least 4 months old. I guess this boy may not need to be trained. He's still not going all night yet, but an early bedtime and going down awake is definately a start. The key has been the amazing swaddling blanket. I just bought it last weekend and it's really too small for him (his shoulders don't really sit below the top of the blanket so he gets his arms out easily), but I wrap him up and he settles down immediately.

Other amazing news. He took 3 naps in his crib this weekend. All lasting at least an hour, one was 2 hours. Two were put down while he was awake, but sleepy. So different than Grace.

The overnight thing is getting better too. For the last week or so, he has been stretching the feedings to about 4 hours overnight, meaning he wakes up around 10 or 11 (depending on when his last feeding was) and then again around 2 am and then makes it until 6. However last night, he ate at 10:30 p.m. and then slept until 4 a.m. (in his crib)! Too bad I didn't go to bed until 12:30 a.m. It was awesome and then he went back to sleep until we got up at 8 a.m. (in my bed) Although my boob was complaining. I was so engorged at 8 that I even had to pump a little after he finished his breakfast. So, I'm willing to take this slow, but I love that he's stretching this out on his own. It just feels so natural to let him get into his own routine. Although if he's still waking at night in another 2 or 3 months, we may have to help him out a little.

I just love this little guy.

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