Saturday, October 27, 2007

10 Weeks

I'm now counting my weeks changing on Saturday, to go with my new due date of May 24th, but I've been too lazy to change my ticker at the top of the page, so it's 2 days ahead.

I think I've turned a corner this week. I'm still really tired, but have days with no icky feelings. Now I feel sick mostly if I let myself get too hungry. My mood has also improved (thank goodness). I've actually been in a good mood the past couple of evenings versus before when anyone who spoke to me was at risk of having their heads ripped off. This has certainly improved conversation between Eric and I. I think he's glad it's getting better too.

My next belly picture isn't due until next week, but I certainly think I'm "showing" now. If I tell someone I'm pregnant, they notice my little bulge. I also am wearing maternity pants the majority of the time. Haven't felt the need to switch shirts yet, but probably will need to in the next few weeks.

Timing of the "feeling better" part seems to closely coincide with Grace's pregnancy, although I hadn't switched to maternity clothes yet that time.

In other news, Grace has been making progress on the potty front. She's very good at daycare. She wears underwear all day except for naptimes and her only accidents are usually poopy accidents or if she's playing outside and they don't make it inside fast enough (although she's telling them she has to go). At home she sometimes goes when waking up (although many mornings her pull-up is wet, so she doesn't have anymore to go. She also will go before or after her bath on most nights. They usually send her home in underwear only, so we've been going without pull-ups until bedtime. I haven't tried her for a whole weekend yet. I was going to this weekend, but we have a pampered chef party to go to and I'm nervous about accidents when we aren't at home. I still ask her about going even when she's in a pull-up, but she doesn't always say yes and rarely tells me she has to go if she's not in underwear.

Ok, gotta get dressed for the party.

1 comment:

Crystal said...

That is so great for Grace and potty training! Leon is about 90% potty trained. He doesn't get the pooping yet, but he has about 1 accident a day if even that. It can be really nerve racking taking them out in underwear, but I bet she's ready. I take Leon out in underwear all the time now, and have been for several weeks now. We went to look at houses, and we took his potty chair with us and he'd go while we were out. Grace will get it...she's a smart cookie! It can be frustrating, but just take a few extra outfits with you. She'll be fine. Don't get me wrong...I did take Leon in a pull up to the pumpkin patch and I will take him trick or treating in a pull up, but even on car rides to Crawfordsville...he doesn't pee in the car. Let me know how it goes...she's doing great and came a long way since your last comment on my site. :) Good luck!