Sunday, June 11, 2006

What A Week...

There's probably a reason I should post more often and it's weeks like this one. Here are some of the highlights.

Saturday night (last weekend) after grocery shopping, grilling out a nice dinner, putting Grace to bed, etc. I went to the freezer for a Weight Watcher's ice cream bar and found the ice cream to be melted. Our neighbors were out of town, we were dogsitting and had a key, and they have an extra fridge in the garage, so we moved everything over to their place. Sunday morning Eric pulled the grill off the bottom front of the fridge and suddenly it started blowing cold air again. After a few hours, the ice cube trays had frozen back over, so that evening we brought all our food back. We assumed the air intake had gotten blocked because of all the dust/pet hair accumulated under the fridge. After a cleaning it seemed to be working. However, Tuesday morning brought soggy waffles from the freezer, so we realized that our fridge had in fact bitten the dust. Again we took all our food to the neighbors, although now they were home and had to let us in. Tuesday, Eric and I took an early lunch, headed to HH Gregg and purchased a new fridge. It's nice, but stinks to have to spend the money. They delivered it on Wednesday.

Tuesday night, I took my final and am now officially done with my first class. My next round of Chemistry will be starting on June 25th. I didn't get to find out what my grade on the exam was, but I do know that I got an A in the class. That makes me very happy. One down, ten to go (and then the MCAT and 4 years of med school).

Grace has started showing some signs that she is recognizing some of her bodily functions. This week we will be buying a "potty" or two to get her used to them around the house. She has started grabbing her diaper after going. I have noticed after she has a BM, Eric saw her do it after peeing. This weekend she was having a BM while we were shopping, and she got extremely cranky, grabbed her diaper, and said, "Ow, Ow, Ow" It was pretty solid, so I felt bad that it might have hurt a little. She also keeps trying to say more and more things. She now also says, "Ewww" if something is gross, please "eeee", and Thank you "ain oo." I'm starting to understand more of what she says, but the only things that are really clear are Mommy, Mine, No, and Yeah. Outside is pretty close, but is still more like "ow-ide"

This weekend Grace and I left Eric for a Daddy's weekend by himself and drove over to Indiana and stayed with Erica. Our friend Heather had a wedding shower on Saturday, so that was the main purpose of the trip. I took off a little early on Friday, picked Grace up from day-care and started driving. We stopped for dinner and she fell asleep about 6:45 p.m., but we got there at about 8:45 p.m. We gave her a bath and put her to bed and after just a few minutes of crying she settled right down and slept until about 8 a.m. Saturday we grabbed breakfast at home then headed to Crawfordsville. Danialle got a job offer that included a house to rent in Crawfordsville. She'll be moving in two weeks, so we stopped by to check the new house out. After that we had lunch at our favorite Chinese restaurant in town and then headed out to Terre Haute to the shower. Grace fell asleep immediately after lunch in the car and slept about 1 1/2 hours until we arrived at the shower. It was a beautiful shower at a beautiful home. The weather was just nice enough to do it outside. And being outside made it easier to just let Grace run around and she wasn't bothering any one. There were even a couple of other kids she played a little with. We left the shower around 4 pm and drove back. Grace slept for about an hour of the trip back which kept her rested enough for dinner and a little Target shopping. We had dinner at the Olive Garden and Grace found a waiter she couldn't keep her eyes off of. It was so funny, she would just stare and follow him around with her eyes whenever she could see him. When we left, we had to walk by him and she just looked him up and down. I think I'll be in trouble when she gets a little older. We finally got home at around 9 p.m. and Danialle gave her a bath and got her PJs on while I got all my nighttime stuff out of the room and reorganized the suitcase. She was so tired, she didn't make a peep and slept until about 7:15 this morning.

This morning we got up, drove back and Grace is still napping. I've got to go get her because I have a softball game in about 45 minutes. Daddy's playing golf. Next week is back to work!

Here's what I have coming up. Wednesday is a Herceptin appt. Thursday I have my inital genetic testing counseling appt. Eric is taking Grace for her 18 month check up on Wednesday. Add in 2 client meetings on Monday and a ton of projects this week at work, we'll be very busy! I'll update again soon!

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