Saturday, June 03, 2006

Mid-Year Review

I promised that June 1, I would review my goals for 2006. So, here goes.

1. Lose 20 pounds
- 5 pounds by April 1
- 10 pounds by July 1
- 15 pounds by October 1
- 20 pounds by December 31
Not quite yet. My starting weight on Jan. 1 was my weight this week after losing 3 1/2 pounds. So, to be at 10 pounds less for the year by July 1 I still need to lose 10 pounds this month. I'm not counting out finishing the year strong!

2. Plan meals weekly (To start I just want to plan meals, I'll be trying to add a "healthy" dinner to the plan each week)
Not really. I sort of plan to get to the grocery, but don't really stick to it.

3. Exercise (by March 1, I'd like to be back up to the old BFL exercise plan, assuming I have clearance from my doctor due to my port and surgical issues) - I will be starting to use the treadmill as early as this week.
Good thoughts, but not really exercising. Although, starting this week, I'll be playing softball weekly.

4. Drink 4 to 5 bottle of water daily - At first I'll still allow myself Coke as long as I get all my water in. Then we'll be phasing out those drinks.
I have switched to Diet Coke and still get in at least 3 bottles daily.

5. Update Diet Blog weekly. It helps to be accountable and once a week is doable.
Not as doable as I thought. I'm barely keeping this blog up weekly.

6. Don't get any additional diseases or life-threatening illnesses (not that I have a lot of control, but it's a good goal)

1. Stay within monthly budget
I haven't been tracking the budget as closely as I should have. It's a little easier now that I'm working again and I get paid for overtime!

2. Only eat lunch out once per week
Mostly doing this. Especially with the new diet, I'm bringing my lunch much more.

3. Stop using credit cards
We've had a few purchases we've done on credit cards, but for the most part we aren't using them much.

1. Take 4 pre-requisite courses for med school
I've got the final for #1 on Tuesday and will be starting #2 at the end of the month.

2. Take 2 CPCU courses
I've done 1 and plan to do the second one this summer.

3. Read 4 books for fun
I haven't really paid attention to this. I know I've read at least one, Memoirs of a Geisha.

1. Do bible study daily
Not doing this like I should.
2. Update and pray over prayer list daily
3. Memorize a verse each week
4. Tithe according to committment made to church
5. Get involved in some type of group study
I have an opportunity during my lunch hour on Thursday's, but have been too busy at work these last couple of weeks to go.

Personal Development
1. Get a new hair style (just joking!)
I'm doing this! I get lots of comments on my short hair.
2. E-mail a friend each week that I don't already communicate with on a weekly basis
Not really. Just keeping up with the same ones.
3. Send birthday, anniversary and other cards
Doing pretty good at this, at least for birthday's.
4. Join Young Survivor Coalition or other breast cancer group
Nothing yet.
5. Review progress at 6 months
Doing it right now.

Ok, so I've got some work to do for the rest of the year, but they were pretty hefty goals! And at least I'm feeling good now!

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