Sunday, May 14, 2006


This has been a weekend of celebration. In a sort of low-key way.

Starting off, Thursday night I finally got an A on a chemistry test. Yahoo! Now if I can get an A on the 4th mid-quarter and the final, I should be able to have an A in the class. That is definately cause for celebration. Also, when I got home from class, Eric had cleaned up downstairs and even vacuumed and mopped the kitchen floor.

Friday, was our 5 Year Wedding anniversary. Maybe I should update my profile...Anyway, I've now been married 5 years. Yahoo! Eric did give me a card first thing in the morning. I had one for him too. After work I gave him the clothes I had bought him at Kaufman's (a couple of shirts and a new pair of khaki shorts). Then we went to buy my requested gift. First we stopped at Fazoli's for dinner and Grace really enjoyed the people-watching while she ate her spaghetti. Then we went to Wal-Mart where I got a set of women's golf clubs. They are Wilson clubs, but they are breast cancer clubs, meaning the bag as a really pretty pink trim on it and the club heads have a touch of pink, with a ribbon and the word Hope. Very pretty. I don't actually golf...but, I do have a golf outing scheduled in about 2 weeks with a client, so I needed to do something. I'm supposed to go do a practice round tomorrow with some other ladies from work. At least I'll look cute! By about 8:00 p.m. Grace started melting down in Wal-Mart, partially caused by the fact that I wouldn't let her play in the toy section all night. This resulted in her not getting any toys (she was only going to get one if she was good), and Eric had to take her out to the car while I checked out. After we got home and Grace went to bed, I spent the rest of the evening doing some major cleaning upstairs. Vacuuming, cleaning both bathrooms, and changing the catlitter).

Saturday, Eric went to have some fun. He went golfing (with his own clubs) with Will and his friend Brock, and Samara's brother Donnie. Grace and I went to gymnastics. Grace is really enjoying gymnastics now. She likes the routine and knows what comes next and really enjoys doing flips and playing on the equipment. After that, we came home had lunch and a nap. My nap was shorter than Grace's so I balanced the checkbook after I got up. Shortly after Grace got up and had her snack, the guys came home from golf. Will took Grace with him back to their house so Eric and I could have a date. We went to The Melting Pot for some fondue. It was really yummy, I think we made good choices for the cooking style for our meats and instead of doing the sampler platter, we ordered steak and chicken only, so we loved every bite! We also had great conversation. It makes me realize that we don't talk enough. We talk about Grace's day and make plans for the next day, etc., but we don't really talk. That's important and we both have promised to try to communicate more effectively, so we don't get annoyed with each other. We'd like to make it many more years! Once we finished eating it was only 8:00 p.m. and we didn't know what to do next. We had considered going to play putt-putt, but it was raining, and we didn't really want to go to a movie, so we ended up going back to Will and Samara's and hanging out. That was really nice too, because we haven't spent much time with them since the kids came along. We sat and talked for a couple of hours, and finally headed home at close to 11 p.m.

Today was my 2nd Mother's Day! Eric got Grace up this morning, and when discussed making pancakes for me, but we decided to just go to McDonald's for breakfast on the go instead. We went to church and then picked up lunch and then I got to have my Mother's Day nap. Once Grace gets up from hers, we'll go to the grocery store and tonight is the Survivor finale and of course Desparate Housewives and Grey's Anatomy. Hmmmm....good TV!

It's been a very nice weekend. Next weekend we'll be out of town for most of it going to a wedding back in my hometown and staying with my friend Erica for the weekend. Fun!


VJ said...

GOLF CLUBS! What a great gift! A few years ago, I took golf lessons with a girlfriend of mine because she wanted someone to go with her. I fell in love with the game. It's such a great game. You can play with people of all skill levels. It's a game you can play competitively or socially. I can't wait to hear about your golf outing. =)

CONGRATULATIONS on getting an A on your Chemistry Test! And CONGRATS on your wedding anniversary!


Anonymous said...


I have started a new part-time job writing for I write posts with information and resources about cancer -- some of it personal. I wrote about you today! So go check it out. If you look to the right of the screen, there is a list of "bloggers" and I am one of them. Jacki Donaldson. If you click on my name, everything I've written pops up. I've only done 5 posts so far. You also can do a search of your name -- or other topics -- to locate topics.

Stay strong ... Jacki