Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Last Day

I just wanted to share that today was my last day taking Tamoxifen. So, I may have moved up the quitting a little, but I have good reasoning. I assume that I will get the "all-clear" to resume family planning in early September. Being a planner, I have an appointment to have my IUD removed on August 1st. Now, we certainly do not intend to get pregnant in August, I'm fully supportive of doing one final round of exams before that, but without pretty much guaranteed birth control, we decided that I would stop taking the tamoxifen when I got the IUD out. That way, if there is an accident, the worst that happens is that I don't get to have another mammogram, MRI, and Chest X-ray before we start. I won't have to worry about birth defects or worse because of my medication. So, that was the plan, but today I ran out of pills and just decided I didn't want to get my Rx filled again for these last 2 1/2 weeks.

Before anyone says I should have taken it longer, remember my doctors were on the fence about if I needed it anyway. I have faith that we've been very proactive in fighting off my cancer. I know it could come back, but if it does, I won't beat myself up about quitting the tamoxifen 6 weeks early than my doctor said I could. I'm ready for cancer to be a closed chapter in my life. I'm ready to get back to the fun stuff!

Speaking of fun stuff, I have some really adorable pictures of Grace, including one of her holding a kitten, riding on a kiddie 4-wheeler with her cousin Logan, and wearing silk pajamas that Grandpa sent her from China. However, my camera program just locked up and will require me to reboot the computer, so those will have to wait for another night.

Oh one more note. Our house is still on the market. No offers yet, but we have had 5 showings in the past 3 1/2 weeks. We have faith that when the time is right it will sell and while we sacrifice some space, we'll be able to focus on our debt-free goal and help secure our family's future.

1 comment:

Paige said...

I'm really excited for you! I can't wait to start reading all about baby number 2 on it's way sometime after September. :)