Sunday, March 25, 2007

March Recap

So maybe, I decided to post once a month...

So, I thought I'd give you an update on most of the events I mentioned last time.

First of all, health updates.
When I saw Dr. Y my last appointment, all went well. He did have me restart the tamoxifen as expected, but we did discuss the timeline and he has now agreed that I will only be taking it until September, so only a few more months until treatment is over and I can move on with my life. He also discussed my CT and while all looked clear he did spot a fluid-density mass measuring 8 cm near my right ovary. He referred me to my GYN for follow-up. She scheduled me for a pelvic ultrasound, and while I was very worried, the results were a cyst measuring about 3 cm, so I think the CT caught me at just the right time in my cycle for a large cyst. 3cm is still on the larger size, so I am having a follow-up ultrasound next week, but I don't have any pain or other side effects, so probably not going to do anything about it.

My port removal went well. No problems at all and I was back at work the next day.

Other events:
1. Samara had her baby! It was another beautiful girl named Clara. Samara came down with a nasty cold/sinus infection, so she post-poned her induction until she felt a little better. The birthdate was 2/28. Samara handles pain like a pro. I got to the hospital about an hour after they started her pitocin and she made it until about noon before she requested her epidural. Clara was born just after 2 p.m. Could have been sooner, but her Dr. was in surgery and had her wait a while on pushing. This birth was so amazing. It was different to experience during the day when everyone is well rested and alert. Also, Samara seemed so different and calm and peaceful compared to Ava's birth. It was like she was made to have beautiful babies. Clara looks just like Ava and seemed to come out so laid back and quiet. Nothing seemed to get her too upset. I've only seen her once since then, but hopefully, Samara will get back into a routine soon and we can try to get together with all the girls. I don't want to stress her out this early.

2. On March 9th, I met my Mom in Minneapolis for a weekend of shopping at the Mall of America. We spent 2 full days at the mall, but planned our shopping to be sure we got the best deals. Friday we hit all the stores except the anchors and Saturday hit the anchors and actually purchased items. We had decided not to buy anything the first day, we just wrote down the stores and the cost of the item if we saw something before then. I got a lot of good deals. I came home with 3 pair of shoes (Black Peep Toe Heels, Red Strappy Heels, and Black Strappy Heels), 1 vacation purse, a bathing suit, black capris, t-shirt, 2 pair denim shorts, and khaki shorts. I came home with $20 in cash, so I stayed completely within my budget. Although Mom bought my dinner on Saturday, so that helped a bit.

3. I finished my Winter Quarter Organic Chemistry course. I'm not sure how close it was, but I managed an A. Now I'm taking off until June to get a little break in the classes. I still have 8 classes to take plus the M-CAT (O-Chem 2 & 3, plus 2 labs, 2 more Bio classes and 2 Physics classes.)

Budgeting is still going well. It takes alot of my free time as I review everything each week to be sure we are doing what we said we would, but I just keep thinking that we'll be out of debt in less than 3 years just in time for us to move to one income.

In 3 weeks, Eric and I are leaving for the Dominican Republic. I can't wait as I need a vacation. Work is going well, but I've been putting in alot of time. I've got alot to get done in the next 3 weeks, but I should be in good shape to catch up this summer.

Ok, I'm supposed to be working tonight, so I better get to it!

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